Thursday, December 23, 2010

The American Vampire League - Dispelling the Myths

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

The American Vampire League is an club that is dedicated to helping vampires. It is one of the largest of its kind and many of its members are in fact vampires. It's main objectives are to dispel all the hatred and false stories about vampires and help them to speculation into society. It is true that many vampires are also Gothic and do connect themselves with death and its symbols but at the same time they are not out to kill people.


American Stories

Many blogs exist about vampires and their style of living. You can join the discussions at these blogging sites and voice your opinion. Many citizen are fascinated by vampires and the Gothic way of life and you will get some enthralling discussions. The American Vampire League finds a voice on these sites as does its nemesis the Fellowship of the Sun. This club tries to fuel hatred against the vampire people. You will find some vicious comMents from followers of this organization.

The American Vampire League - Dispelling the Myths


Lots of books and movies have been produced about vampires. It is fun to look at these but most of them should be taken with a grain of salt. citizen are as a matter of fact fascinated and sometimes approximately obsessed by vampires and the Gothic way. These stories are ordinarily romantic and spine chilling tales that only make the plight of the genuine vampires worse.

Myths and legends:

There are many horrific stories and myths about vampires and their association with evil spirits and death. Of course the most beloved story is the one from Transylvania, East Europe. The story of Count Dracula does as a matter of fact have some truth, in that there was as a matter of fact an evil ruler of this area by this name. Whether he was as a matter of fact a vampire is not as a matter of fact proven. Any way it is a good Halloween story. It is stories like this that make modern day vampires feared and hated. These are the types of stories that the American Vampire League is trying hard to get citizen not to connect with the vampire citizen of today.

Dispelling the myths:

Dispelling the myths is as a matter of fact a mammoth task for the American Vampire League but they are trying their best to do so. They are trying to get a law passed that will give vampires equal rights in society. On their website there is a page dedicated to all the good things vampires have done for their neighbors. This shows citizen that vampires do think about others and can be good citizens and neighbors.

It is all about looking at citizen as they as a matter of fact are and not what community has branded them as. With the American Vampire League's efforts it is hopeful that citizen will come around, convert their attitudes, and see that vampire citizen are not the blood sucking monsters that stories depict them to be. In fact now there is artificial blood "Tru Blood" available so the vampires do not have to hunt you down for your blood but can get their snacks in packet form.

The American Vampire League - Dispelling the Myths

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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