Tuesday, May 10, 2011

African American Authors - The Civil possession Movement

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During the American Civil possession moveMent, authors such as Richard Wright, as well as Gwendolyn Brooks, wrote about problems with racial segregation as well as Black Nationalism.

As more and more Black writers produced best sellers and award winners, the African-American book became mainstream by the 1970s. Colse to this time, scholars began to accept African-American writers and African-American novels as a legitimate part of the literary canon.

American Stories

Toni Morrison became an editor for Random House in the 1960s and 1970s, and helped promote Black literature and writers by editing books by authors such as Toni Cade Bambara and Gayl Jones. Later, she became an leading 20th century African-American writer in her own right. She wrote her first novel, The Bluest Eye, in 1970. "Beloved", which took the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988, is her most celebrated novel. This novel, which won a prize, is about a slave who decided to kill her baby daughter to keep her from being a slave. Song of Solomon, which delves into the themes of materialism and brotherhood, is someone else key novel. The first African-American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature was Morrison.

How to African American Authors - The Civil possession Movement

A celebrated essay returning Zora Neale Hurston, with her excellent novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God" to the literary world's attention by Alice Walker, the 1970's novelist and poet. Alice Walker brought home the Pulitzer Prize for The Color Purple, as well as the American-book Award. The main character in the Color Purple, Celie, tells the tale of a girl who has no choice in the marriage of an abusive husband after being raised by a step dad who used to abuse her sexually. Later on, this novel was made into a movie by Steven Spielberg.

Genre fiction is someone else crossover for literature that is African American. Chester Himes is among the most celebrated in his genre; his series of pulp novels about New York detectives "Coffin" Ed Johnson and "Gravedigger" Jones were customary while the 1950s and '60s. The sway of Himes' earlier novels can be seen in the crime fiction of Hugh Holton and Walter Mosley.

A great climax was when Edward P. Jones won The 2004 Pulitzer Prize for "Fiction for the Known World", a novel about a slaveholder that was black in the antebellum.

African American Authors - The Civil possession Movement

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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