Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Becoming an American Citizen - What it Means

Becoming an American Citizen - What it Means

Becoming an American citizen means that you have chosen to be loyal to the United States of America and will have to live a life of "freedom" and "justice for all.". If you were born in another country, or obtained citizenship in another country, or have allegiance or loyalty to another foreign country, you must relinquish it. Since you have now chosen to be a citizen of this country, this is your first home.

Becoming an American citizen requires you to be supportive of the United States Constitution. Being an American citizen means that you have responsibilities and rights as an American living here in the United States. When you abide by the laws you have sworn to follow, you are provided with certain privileges that other citizens here already have through birth or also through the naturalization process.

Becoming an American citizen allows you to vote in federal elections. A big part of becoming an American citizen is that you are free to show your patriotism. This is one of the best ways to show how committed you are to this country.

During the Fourth of July holiday, there are many Americans that show their patriotism by wearing red, white and blue. They have a lot of pride for the United States and they are not ashamed to show it.

Being an American citizen means that we are thankful that we have the freedom and ideals that we can share with others. There are other countries around the world that are not able to exercise their freedom of speech and liberty. These freedoms came from our forefathers before us. These are things that we must not take for granted.

American citizens are obligated to uphold this nation's freedoms, ideals and morals. This is part of the patriotic vision of the United States of America and its founding fathers. Not upholding these values would bring disappointment to what they worked so hard to do and what they stand for.

Becoming an American citizen is the best thing that can happen to anyone. It's not something that can be taken for granted. Once you get the opportunity, it's a feeling and an honor that you can't deny.

When you become an American citizen, you will be able to tell others of your new country and your new home. Being in America is nothing to be ashamed of. Other people show their pride by having things that represent America and what it stands for.

Some people who has just become citizens purchase for themselves American flags, others will have shirts made or ordered that represent the United States in some form or fashion. Then there are great experiences that they will always remember, like a hot air balloon ride over their new country or white-water rafting in the Rockies. Or they might get themselves a set of stamps made from any photograph...perhaps on the day they became a US Citizen, or a great Ball Park Pen from one of the famous old-time baseball parks all across America. Some even get themselves the small pieces of land sold on the Internet (one in each state...only one square inch in size) to remind themselves of their American citizenship and the vastness of the country. No matter what they got, they are proud of having their new American Citizenship.

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