Wednesday, December 15, 2010

African American Girl Doll - The Sweetness of Addy Walker

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

If you date yourself back less than 25 years ago, the idea of having an African American Barbie or any other ethnic style Doll was unheard of. Every Doll had long, flowing blonde hAir and blue eyes and miniature girls of a dissimilar ethnic race was just made to accept that fact. Luckily, times have changed and there is a doll for every race, color and creeds, production a miniature girl's dream come true. Enter Addy Walker, the adorable African American Girl doll from The Pleasant Company. This firm has a dissimilar doll from all dissimilar time periods and all dissimilar places from the United States. Addy Walker is just as cute as can be, but her looks are not the only thing great about this doll. Her story is one of bravery and courage in the times of slavery and bigotry, production it a lesson for all to learn.

Addy Walker's story begins as she escapes the peril of slavery with her mom and they begin the long journey of searching for her father and brother who have been sold to someone else slave master. To make matters even more frightening, Addy and her mom are forced to leave her baby sister behind because the risk of getting caught because of her cries are too big to take. Never fear, even though there are exact lessons to be learned from any story in the American Girl collection, all have a happy ending and Addy is reunited with her family. This gorgeous doll comes with a large variety of true-to-period Clothing as well as furniture pieces that are very realistic.

American Stories

There are two ways that you can purchase these dolls. There are three dissimilar American Girl market placed in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York. These market should not be missed. It is every miniature girl's fantasy with dolls, doll Clothes, furniture, a show and a café, unblemished with a booster seat and place setting designed for your special American Girl Doll friend. You can also order your doll through the American Girl Doll catalog as well as online. If you are not near an American Girl Doll store, give your daughter or that special miniature girl in your life a catalog and a pen, and have her circle some of the things that genuinely capture her eye. This will give you great ideas for birthdays, Christmas or any other upcoming special celebration. When your miniature girl opens the beautifully wrapped box of her sweet African American Girl doll, you will be introducing your daughter to a doll with a story which will give her a sense of self belief and bravery that she may not even know she had.

African American Girl Doll - The Sweetness of Addy Walker
African American Girl Doll - The Sweetness of Addy Walker

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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