Monday, February 28, 2011

A report of "33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask"

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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"Every lesson taught me something new and unexpected," reads one of the reviews on the back of the book 33 Questions about American History You're not Supposed to Ask, by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. This is as an proper overview of the book as one could expect, as Woods sets out to revisit some of the most coarse myths of American history and look at them in the light of non-politically strict thought. As the description of the book states, "there's the history you know and then there's the truth." It is this not so idealized truth that Woods presents to write back his thirty-three questions.

As a whole, the book is quite enlightening and filled with conclusions supported by numerous citations of books, discrete governMent and hidden studies, and scholarly articles. In a book this short (around 260 pages), having nearly thirty pages of endnotes and citations shows that Woods has done a fAir amount of investigate and fact-checking. Thus, while the discussions of questions that are presented may consist of much information contrary to accepted wisdom, the book encourages readers to verify the correctness of every chapter. Assumptions are not made when discussing facts and historical events, but Woods does draw out some overarching themes throughout the book, in increasing to dispelling some commonly-held myths about American history.

American Stories

One of the themes that Woods discusses in several chapters of the book is the issue of small governMent and free markets versus big governMent and a command-type economy. Woods shows that the "Wild West" was not easily all that wild, despite a marked absence of governMent institutions and protectors. Instead of lawlessness and violence, "even in the absence of government, the old West was far less violent than most American cities today. Frontiersmen industrialized hidden mechanisms to inflict the law and define and inflict property rights." someone else example of big government interference in hidden company is the example of Hoover's and Roosevelt's interactions in the economy during the Great Depression. Woods shows that both presidents intervened in the market, enacting controls and spending programs that only caused the Depression to come to be longer, deeper, and more financially ruinous to the general population.

How to A report of "33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask"

Another theme that is gift in discrete chapters is that of the powers of Congress and the Presidency, and how they have changed over time and their former intents in the Constitution have been distorted. Woods examines the claim that the Us Constitution is a "living, breathing document," by showing that this is exactly the follow the framers wanted to avoid: the British constitution was carefully to be a living, breathing entity that forced itself upon the colonies. The Founding Fathers wanted a Constitution that was a written agreement in the middle of the people and the government and was able to be changed through discrete methods, but would not just change with the times. The book also looks at the interstate industry clause, which the federal government now uses to regulate all gainful activity, which was not the founders' intent. Woods argues that the phrase "among the states" refers to "commerce in the middle of one state and another, not industry that occurs in one state and merely concerns of has effects upon others," although the government has distorted this into regulating all things and anything that may influence commerce, which have granted it "extraordinary power to interfere in Americans' lives." The role of the government was meant by the Constitution to be small, although it has taken on more and more powers to legislate the lives of Americans.

The powers of the president of the United States are also examined by Woods, who determines that the president now wields much more power than was originally granted. Theodore Roosevelt is seen as the instigator of the rise of the "imperial presidency," due to his increased visibility in Americans' lives, and the fantastic use of presidential administrative orders (1,006 total). However, Congress has also transferred the power to the president to send troops anywhere in the world without a proclamation of war. This exchange of power is now so complete, agreeing to Woods, that "In 2002, on the eve of war with Iraq, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tx) insisted, as he had throughout the Clinton years, that if the country were to go to war, the Constitution required that Congress approve a proclamation of war... He was told by leading Republicans that his position was outdated and that things weren't done that way anymore." In his discussions of questions relating to the theme of the Constitutional powers of the federal government, Woods demonstrates that powers originally granted to the states have been usurped by the federal government, which has resulted in a consolidation of powers in the Congress, judicial branch, and especially the presidency.

There are a amount of other themes that Woods examines, such as civil possession myths, government welfare programs, and the patrimony of President Clinton's intervention in Kosovo. Many of the questions raise issues that are little-discussed in mainstream accounts. The root of the problem, agreeing to Woods, may be traceable to the collective school system, which teaches students the same myths and the same one-sided stories. This racket can only follow in the propaganda of the greatness of big government, the evils of the free market, and the godlike status of presidents. As Woods states, "the same group of people who hold a monopoly on the power to tax and the power to start force also wield an productive monopoly on the power to educate time to come generations of Americans." Thus, a salutary skepticism is recommended for all official Party-line type discussions of these programs and roles.

The book, in the end, is an invitation to significant reasoning of some of the major myths of American History. Woods does not exertion to denigrate his targets or peruse the issues in puny detail, instead offering a second look at American history. Even though everybody may not agree with Woods' on all of the issues, it is more leading to him that people know that there is someone else side to many of the best-known stories of America, and draw their own conclusions, rather than take the official collective school-taught propaganda at face value.

A report of "33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask"

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

The American Made Rolls Royce Auto - Not a Success Story

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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At one point in time the venerable prestige Rolls-Royce fine motor cars were made and man-made in the U.S.A. - the United States of America. Any way this early example of marketing and yield offshore and off home base was doomed to failure.

A bare six months after the signing of the historic ageeMent in the middle of Charles Rolls and Henry Royce the export drive of Rolls-Royce was on its way. Early on in September 1906 Charles Royce was on his way to the United States, taking with him four cars as samples of the company's wares. One of these cars was sold approximately as soon as it was unloaded; one went straight away to Texas. The remaining two vehicles served as sales and marketing vehicles - an example of the fine craft and attention to information that the company come to be world famous and known for. One of the cars was kept on the road as a demonstration model, while the other was put on display at the New York Auto Show. That first appearance at the auto show was a great success for Rolls Royce as well: an additional four orders were taken for new cars. As well an American seller jumped to the plate.

American Stories

Business grew for Rolls- Royce in America to the point that in the 12 month duration before the beginning of the First World War, fully 100 vehicles were sold. By this time the owners and administration of the firm had come to the windup of the great sales potential for Rolls-Royce motorcars in the United States. Judged on current trends and store sales information and experience, they came to the windup that the American store for their fine products was larger and richer than whatever that they could expect to attain in their home store and current manufacturing domain - England. Import restrictions and tariffs would be the limiting factor for Rolls-Royce in terms of both added costs to the final price of the car to American consumers, who would have to Ant. Eject the import tariffs on their vehicles and the profitability of Rolls-Royce in America.

How to The American Made Rolls Royce Auto - Not a Success Story

The die was cast. As right away as potential American manufacturing facilities were set up. This was to be a full Rolls-Royce manufacturing factory in America. A factory itself was purchased in Springfield Massachusetts. Manufacturing was right away comMenced under the direct administration of none other than Henry Royce himself. yield was done generally by local workers, aided and supervised by a fleet of 50 tradesMen from the British Derby factory itself. These British workers undoubtedly physically immigrated to America enduringly with their families as well.

Production at this Springfield plant commenced in 1921 with Rolls-Royce firmly stating that the goods from this auto plant would be the equal of whatever built at the home plant settled at Derby England. The plan was that parts would be shipped and assembled in the Us with convention made coachwork made by existing prestigious American firms. Interestingly enough over time the whole of items made locally in the Us, as opposed to Britain, began to undoubtedly increase, not decrease. Any way the consistency of the product, in terms of goods line and actual goods began to deviate from the literal, British made product. Only the first 25 rolling chassis were undoubtedly selfsame to the Derby England factory items. As time went on there were more and more deviations from the literal, British product. Some of this may be due to the personal preferences and procedures of the separate local American coachbuilders. After each was a prime established firms with certain products, styles and methods previously. Some was due to the requests from the American customers, their quality to individualize and personalize their American made car to their personel preferences and styles.

What did in the American Roll-Royce? For one thing cost. Broad costs were incurred in converting the cars from right hand British drive to left hand American. As a succeed of the increased costs incurred, the selling price of these American made Rolls-Royces was not nearly as competing to other automotive products available on the U.S. store for prestige automotive products. Next the primary U.S. Coachmaker for Rolls-Royce, the Brewster Coachbuilding firm, fell into financial difficulties. Then along came the 1929 stock store crash. The American Rolls-Royce might of continued save for one major marketing blunder. The British parent firm introduced a dynamite model - the Phantom, The car was not made in the Us nor even made available, by import of 100 cars, till a year later. The car had great reception with the prestige auto store in the Usa. Any way by the time it was decided to develop this hit goods to meet the American query the actual Phantom model was substituted by an ultra high tech and sophisticated model - The Phantom Ii. With the retooling costs incurred the calculation was that each American Rolls-Royce Phantom Ii car unit produced and sold would cost the company an marvelous 1 million to produce in comparison to the 1929 customer price threshold for luxury prestige automobiles of only $ 20,000.

The fate of Rolls-Royce American man-made products was sealed. The firm honored the last 200 orders for their cars. By 1935 these orders were completed and delivered to their customers.

That was the ending of the Rolls-Royce experiment of producing an American made prestige car product.

The American Made Rolls Royce Auto - Not a Success Story

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Varieties of Native American Music

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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Native American music refers to those created, used, performed and sung by Native North Americans most specifically their traditional tribal music.

The styles and genres of this music depend on the region where they are produced and each region uses characteristic musical instruMents. Songs are composed agreeing to their uses for rituals, collective gatherings, accompaniMent to dance, weddings, etc. What role does music play in Native American people's life?

American Stories

North American Indians accompany their emphasized singing with percussion instruMents like drums and rattles. Their songs consist of lullabies, guardian spirit songs, songs telling stories, curing songs and songs for daily activities and work.

How to The Varieties of Native American Music

Eastern woodlands music use a relaxed vocal style and emphasized middle voice range. In special songs, they use vocal techniques like rapid vibrato and yodelling improving the music's expressive quality. Their dance songs also have a distinctive style which involves the use of call and response; the leader sings first solo and then answered by the dancers together. This style is rare among North American Indians.

The Plains Indians have the most distinctive style in singing with their tense, nasal vocal quality. Musicians from the northern Plains have a higher range than those in the Southern Plains. Plains music ordinarily start high then descends by steps until it ends on the lowest pitch. In powwow dance songs, the singers succeed a slightly dissimilar tempo from that of the drumbeat adding to the complexity of the music.

Great Basin singers merge words and vocables and act out intricate and subtle imagery in their songs for curing rituals, puberty ceremonies, first fruits celebrations, and storytelling dances.

The Varieties of Native American Music

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The American Dream Now

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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6 Years, thousands of Dollars, and a big part in how not to build a business. This was my feel in trying to accomplish the American Dream. I got caught up in the hype of Mlm, and trying to build a residual earnings by bothering my friends, family, and even strangers in the mall. I wasted a lot of time and money. I made a decision. I not only wanted to be successful, but I wanted the American dream now!

With the internet being overrun by thousands upon thousands of enterprise ideas, it is difficult to decree which is the one to go with. I can tell you that right now, Google is getting 60,500 searches per month on the term, get rich quick. If you are seeing to accomplish the American dream now, know that now does not mean instantly. The real American dream is not about getting rich quick. It is about having the chance to build a real, profitable, victorious business.

American Stories

Mlm, the next American dream? Multi level marketing has been exploding over the past decade. People nearby the world are trying to build private franchises, in anticipation of creating massive, residual incomes. The question is that the Mlm leaders are teaching the techniques that worked for them 15, 20, 30 years ago. It is important to understand that if you want the American dream now, whether building a Mlm, Gpt, or a brick and mortar business, you need to have the right education, and use proven enterprise strategies. This does not mean talking to every person that you see in the mall, at the gas pump, or where ever else you have been trying.

How to The American Dream Now

Failure is tough. Look at all of the success stories out there. 99 percent of them faced some extreme challenges in their lifetime. They heard the word no an awful lot. How many times will you hear it if you are trying to build your enterprise by talking to strangers, who for the most part, want nothing to do with your business. That is not the way to accomplish success. You need to look at the People that becoming victorious today. How are they doing it. I will give you a itsybitsy secret. They are not recruiting their enterprise partners while they are at the gas pump.

The American Dream Now

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Adaptation, postponement and Diffusion of the Prometheus Myth in English and American Literature

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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The more we delve into the old myths, the more we come to this closing that how much these stories look as if to our own lives. Prometheus's deed exactly like whatever we do is two faceted. Prometheus is known to the readers of the myth as both a hero and a Byronic hero, for some believe in what he did, and some think it would have been better to be deprived of the improveMent and modernization which indubitably was initiated from the quality of setting fire.

In both aspects this myth has been used as a reference unwillingly or deliberately in writing down so many of the literary works. Starting from the ones which do not believe in Prometheus we have to Mention Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" or "The modern Prometheus". With no doubt, piercing deep into all literary works orbiting nearby a "savoir coming" theme of each kind, a hero recovery others, a hero trying to save the people, or trying to step for the good of the community but it turns out to be a disaster, is rooted in this story.

American Stories

The heroism or Byronic heroism stories never seems Tiresome to the readers and even the writers themselves, for if we delve the matter psychologically and discuss it based on the findings of the great psychologist Carl Gustav Yung we understand that myths have become parts of our being because we have inherited them. We never get Tired of ourselves, do we? (Of procedure some exceptions may exist). There fore, we are never bored of these stories. We write them down on and on, read them on and on, and enjoy them on and on, as we have in different eras and different genres.

How to The Adaptation, postponement and Diffusion of the Prometheus Myth in English and American Literature

A easy seminar manifests that the usage of this myth in the literary works is not tiny to any era and genre at all. "Every Man", the best example of the kind of medieval drama is an allegory of what will happen by the arrival resurrection to man, the creature influenced by Adam's deeds, the first promethean performance which lead to his expel from heaven, and now every man is doing his best to recapture what he could have had with no trial.

Shakespeare as the most prominent and famous dramatist and sonneteer of the English literature has always used heroism in both forms, negative and positive, in his dramas. He has vividly portrayed Promethean heroism in dramas like Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, and others. In fact, we can name all his tragedies as Promethean heroic. Their tragic essence of course, not only has no paradox with the heroism used in it, but also it accomplishes it and some how is a kind of confirmation to that. After all, Prometheus myth is a exquisite tragedy itself.

Of procedure "Paradise Lost" as a masterpiece of the seventeenth century in English literature can be regarded as other version of Prometheus, and it truly is. Eating the apple was exactly what caused Adam and Eve to be expelled from God's Heaven. Man's disobedience, and the loss of paradise for eating the apple of knowledge is the same as losing the gods' mercy after they were bestowed fire by Prometheus. In other words, Prometheus's deed is like what Satan did to Adam and Eve, and that is why Milton has written this poem in Epic form, and also that is why we believe that Satan has been regarded as a hero in the story. We even feel condoleMent with him and have admiration for his heroic energy. "Paradise Lost" is the best example of the usage of this myth in poetry, and although it is rare in comparison to the other genres, Milton has made if not the best, one of the best of this kind.

The eighteenth century was the time of Dryden's heroic plays. His "Absalom and Achitophel" is an example of that. His rich literary form used has always been admired by every one and he put the very theme, heroism, in gorgeous words. His "Alexander's Feast" is a gorgeous poem which has so many references to "Paradise Lost". This era's literature also owes a great deal to Jonathan Swift and "Gulliver's Travels". His super power and uniqueness in the empire of Lilliput is mostly misused by the community for brutality and bloodshed, what we think exactly of fire, relieve bringer and at the same time fight maker, the modernity cause which has brought upon so many difficulties and bloodsheds in the world of man. Wasn't it better to be weak creatures in the hands of gods? We have Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" or "The modern Prometheus" in the next century and the Romantic period. It is Lord Byron who introduces the Byronic hero in its true sense and in the best way.

The Victorian age is the first time of Novel writing. Dickens starts writing about the facts of life but looking deep again this internalized myth has not been forgotten. His "Great Expectations" is the best sample, conveying both Promethean heroes and Byronic heroes. The other novelists and Men of letter from this time onwards have prolonged this usage deliberately or else.

The American literature has not been an exception in using this myth, but the variation is that the American writers have been trapped in the wheels of modernization from the first steps. There fore, we find the traces of the negative aspects of Promethean deals more and more and mostly it is tangible in its drama. O'Neill's "The Iceman Cometh" is an example of that.

The more we get drowned in the modernity and its disasters, the more we feel bad towards the fire bringer, and see him as a mere intruder in the gods' decisions and a easy thief. So, the Byronic heroes come up and are more of interest than the one day heroes of the past times which people can only dream of when they sleep at nights. The worst we feel that even if a real hero and a savoir comes to us and the society, we would nullify and reject him. We may even call him "An enemy of the people".

The Adaptation, postponement and Diffusion of the Prometheus Myth in English and American Literature

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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Monday, February 21, 2011

The American Bald Eagle - A seal of Life and free time

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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The United States congress adopted the American Bald Eagle in 1782 as the national emblem. Native Americans considered these birds to be holy and their feathers sacred adorning themselves with feathers to show their rank in the tribe or their prowess in battle. Not everyone opinion these birds to be so honorable. According to myths and stories, they were hunted and slaughtered without regard, reducing their estimate from the thousands to only a few hundred nesting pAirs. Although Congress enacted the Bald Eagle protection Act to safe the symbol of our nation and to prevent these gorgeous birds from becoming extinct, other battles were still to be fought in the war of survival before this magnificent bird started the uPh Meter. Both parents participate in the incubation of the eggs, a process which will take in the middle of thirty-four and thirty-six days (hatching commonly a day or two apart). A young eagle or fledgling will leave the nest in the middle of seventy and ninety-eight days of age. Bald Eagles will breed starting in February through July away from human disturbances in open areas. Eagles will migrate from Northern area suppleMentary south for the winter, conferrence along waterways with an abundant Food Supply.

Habitats for the bald eagles include waterways or estuaries, large lakes, coast area, reservoirs, and major rivers, but ample Food source is not the only requireMent for the large birds. They must also have perching and nesting areas to accommodate this species.

American Stories

Much of the bald eagles primary habitat has been lost since the Europeans arrived in North America due to deforestation for towns, farms, and for lumber to keep the growth. This deforestation has destroyed perching and nesting sites, forcing the raptors to seek other roost such as the top of a high volTAGe galvanic pole.

How to The American Bald Eagle - A seal of Life and free time

The bald eagle was adopted by the U.S. Congress as the national symbol in 1782. At that time, the estimate of eagles was estimated as high as seventy-five thousand. By 1940, the estimate had reduced so drastically that Congress enacted the Bald Eagle protection Act. This act made it illegal to harass, kill, or possess the birds or any bird or any bird parts without a permit. Although this act offered a promise for the hereafter of the eagle, the struggle for survival was far from over. Farmers and ranchers viewed the eagle as a threat to their livestock but their primary prey is Fish although they will eat waterfowl, small mammals or rodents, and carrion.

The chemical era for agriculture and pesticides after World War Ii ushered in new problems for the troubled people of eagles while fighting the war on insects. Ddt and other pesticides applied to lawns and crops washed into the nations' water sources and contaminated water plants, Fish, and small creatures, Supplying a deadly dose to the eagles as they ate the Fish where the chemicals concentrated in their tissues. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ddt was originally used to operate mosquitoes along coastal and wetland areas. Ddt accumulated in the birds' fat as the Ddt broke down in the birds' body and slowed the release of calcium into the eggshells produced by the females. These birds in turn laid eggs with thin shells that would be crushed by the parents incubating them.

The Secretary of the Interior in 1967 under the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 listed bald eagles south of the fortieth parallel as endangered. The people numbers had dropped to fewer than 500 pAirs in the lower forty-eight states mainly due to habitat destruction, hunting, and the use of pesticides like Ddt. Scientists considered the link in the middle of Ddt and the lower estimate of eagles and the United States governMent banned its' use in 1972. Another battle had been won, but the war was still not over.

Although the bald eagle received protection first under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, it wasn't until after the Endangered Species Act passes in 1973, that conservation measures to safe the eagle were impleMented. The Endangered Species Act allowed inescapable populations of animal species to be listed and new categories of threatened species to be added. Endangered species are defined by the Act as any species in danger of extinction throughout a considerable quantum or all of its' range. A captive-breeding program to yield birds for release into the wild was started by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In expanding to the captive breeding program, the National Wildlife Refuges and local raptor rehabilitation centers work to improve habitats or by rehabilitating injured eagles so they may be released back into the wild. Most of these organizations work through volunteers and are funded by donation, providing healing care for the birds and communal schooling through presentations and exhibitions. These measures, coupled with law promulgation and protection of the nesting sites during breeding, helped the saving of the species, but even with these measures there were still challenges ahead for the Bald Eagle.

Another cause of mortality has been lead poisoning with more than two hundred and twenty five cases diagnosed in the last 15 years. The National Wildlife Federation succeeded in the early 1980s in getting the U. S. Fish and Wildlife assistance to ban the use of lead shot nationwide in hunting waterfowl, Waterfowl that had eaten or been wounded by lead shot would cause lead poisoning in eagles, which could weaken or even kill adult eagles. Since the ban, waterfowl hunters use shells loaded with steel shot instead of lead. Although the convert to steel shot has helped the qoute of lead poisoning, it has not cured it since upland hunters can still use lead shot, while other reports show some birds have been poisoned from lead fishing sinkers. In order to sell out the risk, people should not leave solid debris such as lead sinkers in rivers and lakes where there is a occasion they could be ingested by an eagle.

Another battle still being fought concerns the toxic effects of mercury affecting eagles with a variety or neurological problems that can alter motor skills and sell out the rate of eggs hatching. The source of the mercury has been identified entering waterways as air emissions from solid waste incineration sites as well as other sources. The impact on the bald eagle people in the Southeastern Region is under investigation.

In the first half of this century illegal shooting still posed a threat to eagles, this impact has been reduced through communal schooling and law enforcement. Some deaths still occur on power poles and lines that have not been redesigned to safe raptors, although the poles are commonly configured to sell out the occurrence of electrocutions.

Humans and their disturbances are still a long-term threat to the Bald Eagle. Recreational activity in nesting sites can impact the fertilization processes of these birds. Eagles prefer to breed away from human disturbance in the open and adult birds can be flushed from the nests during incubation and brooding periods. This can expose the eggs or young to adverse conditions. In order to sell out some of the problems caused by these disturbances, land supervision practices have included zones of protection restricting communal passage during crucial times. If an private finds themselves in an eagle habitat, he or she should avoid disturbing the eagles by staying at least three hundred feet away and by holding an obstruction in the middle of them.

Although each of these problems individually is no longer a serious threat to the existence of the Bald Eagle, collectively, they can cause serious problems if not monitored. On August 11, 1995, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, group of Endangered Species, ruled that the American Bald Eagle would be removed from the endangered list but would remain listed as threatened even though the eagle has made a spectacular comeback to nearly 5,800 pairs. In a Cbs new report on June 29, 2000 Cindy Hoffman stated that lawyers for the government were trying to conclude if the birds' habitat would be protected by federal law if it is taken off the endangered species list. Due to all of these efforts, generations to come will be able to look up and see our national symbol flying overhead instead of just looking in on our currency, stamps or flag poles.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife assistance will work with state agencies to monitor the status of the bald eagle for five years, a requirement of the Endangered Species Act. They are the considerable federal group responsible for protecting, conserving, and improving wildlife, fish, and their habitats while managing over 150 million acres, 550 units in the National Wildlife Refuge System, operating sixty-six national fish hatcheries and 37 wetland supervision districts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife assistance administers the Endangered Species Act, enforces Federal wildlife laws, conserves and restores wildlife habitats, manages migratory bird populations, and helps foreign countries with their conservation practices, while overseeing the Federal Aid programs to state fish and wildlife agencies. In expanding to all of these duties, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife assistance established the National Eagle Repository in early 1970 to Supply feathers from the Golden and Bald Eagles for Native American ceremonial purposes placed at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge in Denver, Colorado. The repository is a variety point for dead eagles. The Bald Eagle protection Act prohibits the taking, transportation, barter, trade, import or export, sale of any part of and the ownership of eagles. This Act makes it illegal to possess and eagle or body part from an eagle. ownership of an eagle body part, even a feather, without a permit, is a felony and can carry a fine up to ,000 and/or imprisonment. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife assistance will issue a permit to a Native American to receive and possess eagle feathers from the Repository for use in religious ceremonies, but there is a large demand with thousands on a waiting list. The Repository receives colse to nine hundred eagles per year and it could take up to two and a half years for an order to be filled for even a singular feather.

As of January 2009, The American Bald Eagle is still listed as a threatened species for inescapable populations in the Sonoran Desert (Region 2) but is listed as Taxon-recovered for the lower 48 states. Diligent consideration is still required to contend this saving but permissible steps were taken to Supply the considerable protection for these magnificent birds.

The American people have risen to the occasion to safe the symbol of our nation and because of this dedication; the American Bald Eagle has made a spectacular saving from near extinction. The story of the fight to save this magnificent bird shows the same courage and honor as we associate with the bird itself. It has been an uphill battle, but it is one the American people rose to meet head on. Maybe one day on the long drive to school, in the early morning hours, I can look up at one of those gorgeous birds soaring high above the trees and feel pride in knowing it is there because we cared enough not to give up.

The American Bald Eagle - A seal of Life and free time

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Class Ascendancy Is Presented In The American Novel?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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Social stratification:

Social stratification can be described as the "layering of society" that has got dissimilar kinds and types of systems. Typically, there are three important systems.

American Stories

1.An estate system

How to How Class Ascendancy Is Presented In The American Novel?

The central characteristic of the estate theory of stratification is that it is based in land and in loyalty to an entity that controls, distributes the land -- ordinarily the monarchy. In this kind of theory of inequality there are three estates: the landed gentry/nobility, the serfs or peasantry, and the clergy.

2.Caste systems

The valuable dissimilarity in the middle of a cast and estate theory has to do with the part played by religion in the disunion of groups. Both caste and estate systems were based in agriculture and the proprietary of property. However, the caste theory made distinctions among groups of citizen in terms of their standing sanctioned by religion.

3.Class systems

Class systems seem to be more a product of the industrial revolution. Classes arise from the industrial sufficient system. Marx is in fact one of the first to relate such a system, but does not go a long way toward defining what the classes are except to note there are two valuable classes: owners and workers.

So in class theory stratification in agreeing to group class which itself is based on occupation, education, earnings and wealth.What makes class theory dissimilar from the other ones is the fact that it is somewhat more open than whether the estate or caste system. citizen can move up (or down) with some degree of ease.

Class Ascendancy:

Class ascendancy is defined as interesting from a lower level to an upper level. That is what is so much industrialized in American dream that refers to the idea that one's prosperity depends upon one's own abilities and hard work, not on a rigid class structure. So American dream gives opportunity and freedom to all citizen to reach their goals without the pressures imposed by class.

Class Ascendancy in American novel:

This idea has always been thought about as the essence of American dream and consequently has been a central theme in American literature.

For example in The Great Gatsby (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is a self-made, self-invented millionAire who has the capability to transform his dreams into reality. Fitzgerald has put his country's most valuable obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings in this character. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic time to come that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run Faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning--". That is what makes it a tale about the American dream that an personel can accomplish success regardless of house history, race, or religion simply by working hard enough.

John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men (1937) is another example in which
George's and Lennie, migrant workers are constantly interesting from one place to another in hoping to heighten their life. They are in hunt of their dream, being able to own a home, have a Job, and have a house to enjoy it with. So their dream matches American dream which is more obviously represented when George tries to calm Lennie down by reminding her of a story about the large farm they're going to buy one day and how they will live there and enjoy nature and work and live together forever, whenever they get into trouble.

In his next work, The Grapes of Wrath (1939), John Steinbeck focuses on one family, The Joads, former tenant farmers in Oklahoma who were forced out by the larger associates who wanted their land back while the Great Depression. So with dreams of luscious grapes and peaches in fullness waiting to be picked, they start their journey to California. Despite poverty, homelessness, death, and despAir, the Joads refuse to give up their dignity, decency and spirit. They struggle to exist and do not give up their dream that their life can be better.

In spite of a lot of other works that symbolize the corruption of American dream, this theme continues to be represented in more modern novels such as The House on Mango road (1991) by Sandra Cisneros. Esperanza Cordero is a girl from Hispanic quarter of Chicago who doesn't like to belong to her neighborhood. She likes to have a better home, a better life, and greater opportunities. She uses poems and stories to leave reality and express her thoughts and feelings about her arduous environMent. So she is a girl refers to her own power and invents her dreams to convert her life, the dreams that appropriately fall into American dream.

In addition to above Mentioned novels, there are a lot more examples that develop the American idea of possibility of class ascendancy in the so-called land of opportunities, providing equal chances for everyone. However, there are novels that consolidate on group gap and inequality such as Dreiser's American tragedy and Sister Carrie, Cran's Maggie: A Girl of All Streets, etc.

For sure reading these novels and putting them together can give us a valuable comprehension of the role of group class in the U.S.

How Class Ascendancy Is Presented In The American Novel?

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Born Poor, Drop Out and Got Rich - The Billionaire's Story

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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It's a true fact that it's not where you are born or whom you are born to that determines how your life will be. Its what you do with your life that determines how your life will be. Not long ago, Forbes Magazine publishes a extra article on The World's BillionAires. It's a snap shot of who's who of the super rich.

I have the privilege of studying their life stories and explore that many of them started out as either a poor boy from the neighborhood or a high school dropout. In this article, you too will have the privilege to read about them and hopefully get inspired by Their BillionAire Story.

American Stories

The Ikea Story

How to Born Poor, Drop Out and Got Rich - The Billionaire's Story

Ikea Founder Ingvar Kamprad made headlines in early 2004 when Swedish business magazine Veckans Affarer reported that he had surpassed Bill Gates as the world's wealthiest person. While Ikea's unconventional ownership structure makes this the matter of some debate, there is no doubt that Ikea is still one of the largest, most thriving secretly held clubs in the world, with over 200 shop in 31 countries, employing over 75,000 people and generating over 12 billion in sales annually.

Kamprad was born in the South of Sweden in 1926 and brought up on a farm called Elmtaryd, near the small settleMent of Agunnaryd. Kamprad began to invent a business as a young boy, selling matches to neighbors from his Bicycle. He found that he could buy matches in bulk very cheaply from Stockholm, sell them individually at a low price and still make a good profit. From matches, he expanded to selling Fish, Christmas tree decorations, seeds and later ball-point pens and pencils. When Kamprad was 17, his father gave him a recompense for succeeding in his studies. He used this money to invent what has grown into Ikea.

The name Ikea was formed from Kamprad's initials (I.K.) plus the first letters of Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd, the farm and settleMent where he grew up. He prolonged to improve his business to a collection of goods, together with Wallets, Watches, jewelry and stockings. When he outgrew his capability to call on his customers individually, he converted to a sort of makeshift mail order operation, hiring the local milk van to make his deliveries.

Kamprad has a reputation for being, well, "cheap". He takes the subway to work, and when he drives, it's an old Volvo. Rumor is that when he stays in a hotel, if he feels the urge to drink one of those high-priced sodas from the wet bar, he replaces it later with one picked up from a around convenience store. He also encourages Ikea employees all the time to write on both sides of a paper.

Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at Us billion, manufacture him the 4th richest man in the world.

Las Vegas Sands story

Sheldon Gary Adelson is an American businessman. He is a asset developer and social business Ceo based in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also a Chairman and Chief Menagerial Officer of the Las Vegas Sands Corp., which owns and operates the Venetian Casino Resort and the Sands Expo and institution Center. Adelson vastly increased his net worth upon the preliminary social offering of Las Vegas Sands in December 2004 by selling just 10% of the shares.

In addition, on May 26, 2006, Adelson's Las Vegas Sands was awarded a hotly contested license to invent a casino resort in Singapore's Marina Bay. The new casino is improbable to open in 2009 at a rumored cost of .16 billion.

Adelson was born to a poor Jewish family, in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. Son of a Boston cabdriver, he borrowed 0 from his uncle to sell newspapers at age 12. In the years that followed, he worked as a mortgage broker, investMent adviser and financial consultant. To this point in his career, Adelson has created and developed to maturity more than 50 dissimilar companies, together with Comdex, a tradeshow he developed with his partners for the Computer industry. Adelson together with his partners directed Comdex to become the world's largest trade show with a proximity in more than 20 countries.

According to Forbes magazine, Adelson is the 6th richest someone and the third richest American in the world, with a net worth estimated at Us .5 billion in 2007. Forbes estimates he has been earning about million an hour for the past two years.

The Zara Story

The son of a compel worker and a maid, Amancio Ortega received no formal higher education. He began his excellent occupation as a teenager in La Coruña, Spain, the original center of the Iberian textile industry. When he was 13 years old he worked as a delivery boy for a shirt maker who produced Clothing for the rich. He later worked as a draper's and tailor's assistant. In looking firsthand how costs mounted as garments moved from designers to factories to stores, Ortega learned early on the importance of delivering products directly to customers without using outside distributors. He would later hire such a strategy with great success at Zara, attempting to control all of the steps in textile production in order to cut costs and gain speed and flexibility.

In the early 1960s Ortega became the owner of a local Clothing shop, where he noticed that only a few wealthy residents could afford to buy the high-priced Clothes. Thus he started producing similar items at lower prices, purchasing cheaper fabric in Barcelona and cutting out pieces by hand using cardboard patterns. Ortega then sold his items to local

Born Poor, Drop Out and Got Rich - The Billionaire's Story

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bipolar Stories - A Mark of Genius?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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A lot of celebrities suffered of bipolar disorder, or are now conception to have had it based on their lifeworks and stories. There have been so many, in fact, that it is carefully by some to be a mark of genius. That may or may not be true, but it is easy to see why the relationship is made after a look at the many notable people with bipolar disorder. You can read any bipolar stories here.

Many notable writers are believed to have had bipolar disorder. Mark Twain, notable and beloved American humorist, writer and lecturer, suffered vital personal and pro loss with the demise of his publishing business. While bipolar symptoms are believed to have influenced his later life, Mark Twain is an example of a inevitable impact of bipolar disorder had on the creativity of one individual. Unfortunately, like with many bipolar celebrities many of his crazy firm ideas had never come true.

American Stories

Kurt Vonnegut is believed to have suffered from bipolar disorder. After a severe depression in 1969, when he published his world known novel Slaughterhouse-Five, he swore he would never write an additional one book. However, he went on to write an additional one novel only four years later. William Faulkner, who invented an whole fictional place Yoknapatawha County lived with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The are abundance of other notable novelists and poets like Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson and Virginia Woolf were known to be bipolar.

How to Bipolar Stories - A Mark of Genius?

The are also other creative talents like Beethoven, Van Gogh and Isaac Newton have been also conception to have had from the disorder and probably it caused their exceptional gifts. Among modern politicians Winston Churchill and Benjamin Franklin are interesting examples of a successful bipolar persons in modern history.

People who have bipolar disorder have influenced our lives in countless ways. Bipolar disorder has indirectly enrolled our loves affecting the health of those who have made vital contributions to humanity. It is known that manic episodes or hypomania being a symptomatic part of the bipolar disorder often lead to times of intense productivity. And though bipolar disorder causes real distress for those who live it, it is difficult to deny that it is also can be carefully to be a type of disorder of talented and genius people.

The topic of bipolar disorders is also extensively presented in books and novels. Patty Duke an academy award winning American actress used to be bipolar patient who has had bipolar attacks of disorder through out her life. She described the disease in her book and spoke about her struggle with disorder in numerous interviews. Kay Redfield Jamison, a well known psychologist was diagnosed bipolar disorder when she was 28, published two books, together with her own experiences with the disease and pathology of interaction in the middle of illness and creativity. Other notable people also wrote about the topic and the way thinking disorders influenced their life.

Many modern stars and celebrities have been diagnosed this type of thinking disorders by their doctors. Actresses Linda Hamilton, Margot Kidder, Carrie Fisher, and already Mentioned Patty Duke are the bipolar patients, while musicians such as Kurt Cobain, Ozzy Osbourne, Axel Rose, and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails got the same pathology from thinking professionals as well.

In the past, bipolar people were misunderstood and most other people admittedly feared them that is why their life was very complex and often socially isolated. They needed to go through their life living with greatest pressure both from inside and outside.

Today, the disorder is treated with therapy and medication eliminating the major symptoms of the disease. At the same time many patients feel that the medications stunt their creativity.

Bipolar disorder shall be described as a life-long, permanent health that must be carefully managed and continuously treated. modern healing science made a lot to invent treatMents that influence disorder without depressing creativity on the whole spectrum. Nowadays there are so many very well functioning bipolar people of above mean creativity, although those used to have the life threatening depression symptoms. notable bipolar people has proven that this disorder can not prevent people from foremost a very general full of creativity and innovative ideas life.

Bipolar Stories - A Mark of Genius?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Animal Cruelty: recent Stories

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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After reading several stories recently with regard to cruelty to animals, especially Cats I find it so hard to believe the carelessness and total disregard some habitancy have for another's life.

The story of Pink caught my eye. Pink was dumped over a fence into someone's back orchad one night. The owner called the Rspca as soon as the spotted the cat and upon closer inspection noticed that the cat had been dyed pink.

American Stories

It was later revealed that the owner of Pink whose real name was later revealed as Oi! Kitty, had dyed the simply white female cat, pink herself as to match her hAir. The owner came send after looking the publicity the case had attracted and asked the Rspca to return her cat.

How to Animal Cruelty: recent Stories

What disturbed me was that the woman got the idea from an American Tv show where they did similar things to dogs. The woman told newspapers that she used Food colouring knowing that it would cause no harm and couldn't possibly be toxic as it is edible. The question though is the sure blatant disregard for the animal's well being. The stress you put the animal under as you hold them still to apply the dye and additional stopping them from cleaning themselves as the dye sets in. It must be a terrible ordeal for the animal to be put through.

It also shocked me to hear that the owner saw nothing wrong in her actions!

One more story that also caught my attention was that of a three month old kitten which was dumped in a plastic bag and left to die in a social refuse area. Luckily for the kitten a neighbour heard the cries and called the Rspca.

It just astounds me how habitancy can be so careless and ready to just was their hands of something such as a living beast the occasion it no longer suites them to keep it. These animals depend on us for pretty much everything, it sickens me to think how easy it is for some habitancy to just simply cast something aside like that and dodge responsibility.

My personal view is that the law and the Rspca are not tough adequate on offenders and to allow these habitancy to carry on with their pets after repeat offences is just blatant ignorance.

Discuss and let us know what you think!

James Jay
Pets Bureau

Animal Cruelty: recent Stories

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Living the American Dream

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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Can you guess who this is? He came to this country as a young man and has risen to the very top in his profession. He then went on to supervene in three other fields, real estate investing, acting and politics. Here is his devotee plan and a check list to help you create your own devotee plan.

"I will come to America, which is the country for me. Once here, I will become the many bodybuilder in history." "While I am doing this I will learn excellent English and educate myself - but only with those things I need to know. I will get a college degree so I can get a firm degree." "Simultaneously I will make whatever money inherent from bodybuilding and spend it in real estate where I will make the big money." "I will go into the movies as an actor, producer and ultimately director.

American Stories

By the time I am 30 I will have starred in my first movie and I will be a millionAire." "I will derive houses, art and automobiles. I will see the world. Along the way, I will learn to impress citizen and I will hone my mind to outwit all of them." "I will marry a glamorous and sharp wife. By 32, I will have been invited to the white house..." If you didn't frame it out yet, this list of achieveMents belongs to none other than the great American Success Story - Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How to Living the American Dream

Now when Arnold came to this country he had no Job, barely spoke the language, had no connections or money. What he did have was natural ability a burning desire and a mighty personal foresight coupled with a devotee (strategic) plan.

We may not have the genetics or desire to be a Mr/Ms Universe but the lesson here is you don't need to pump iron to be successful. The real message is to pump up your dreams. Below is a check list to help you start "living The American Dream"

1. create a mighty Personal Vision. This is a foresight of who you wish to become. For Arnold it was to be Mr. Universe and used the fame and fortune to move to the next level of success.and strategic plan and go for it! Ask yourself this question: "If you knew you couldn't fail what would you do?" Dream big! Now write this foresight out using strong graphic adjectives.

2. Draw up a Personal Mission StateMent: Again Schwarzenegger stated quite clearly what he was going to do and how he was going to achieve it. If your foresight is to be a doctor curative the poor, then your mission statement will reflect the steps you will need to take to become a doctor.

3. Set Goals: By 30 I will be a millionAire. Like Arnold state a goal, I will own my own firm by age 25. Having a goal and putting a deadline to accomplishing it gives the goal a sense of urgency.

4. Originate a strategy or operation steps: If you want to be a champion body constructor then obviously spending a lot of time in the gym is one of the operation steps you will need to commit to. If you are going to be a lawyer then getting good grades, studying hard and passing the bar exams are operation steps.

By following the above checklist you will create a devotee plan and like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger you will be living the American Dream!

Living the American Dream

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Southern Gothic Writing in "A Rose For Emily" and "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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Southern Gothic is an American subgenre of the Gothic style, which is probably most customary to you from the Brontë sisters of Victorian England. (No, we're not talking Hot Topic here.) Like its European progenitor, the Southern Gothic style relies heavily on the supernatural - only with less "O, Heathcliffe!" and more "Oh no, racism!" (Unlike Gothic novels, Southern Gothic novels are more concerned in uncovering group crimes and injustices than being gloomy for gloomy's sake.) EleMents of the grotesque are also coarse to both genres, but can take the form of actual physical gore or just very flawed characters that are somehow tolerable enough to remain interesting. (See also: "O, Heathcliffe!")

William Faulkner is known to have been especially good with the Southern Gothic style, and many American children read his eerie and disgusting "A Rose for Emily" as early as junior high school. This short story, which starts with a funeral and ends with the discovery of a decades-old corpse, reminisces on the life of Miss Emily Grierson, the recently deceased town spinster. As it turns out, her dad was a bit overbearing, and though we don't know if there was any abuse involved, let's just say she didn't exactly get to break her curfew until she was about 35. When the old man ultimately meets his maker, Emily refuses to admit he is dead or leave the house for three days - which wouldn't be so creepy if his decaying body weren't still in it.

American Stories

The even creepier part, however, is that this isn't the same corpse that turns up in Emily's house at the end of the book; that one belonged to her once and short-term boyfriend, who wined her, dined her, and tried to bail on her a few years after her dad died. Boy did he pick the wrong woman. While Emily is clearly deMented, her dad's mistreatMent and the resulting psychological damage nevertheless make her a sympathetic character. So sympathetic, in fact, that the townspeople help cover the murder by spreading lime colse to her house when it starts to smell. (Won'T you Be my Neigh-Bor!) So let's recap just how "A Rose for Emily" stacks up as a Southern Gothic novel. Death? Check. Injustice? Check. The grotesque? duplicate check. A scary shut-in with a mysterious past in a seemingly haunted house? Checkmate.

How to Southern Gothic Writing in "A Rose For Emily" and "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Now that we've got a sense of what the genre's all about, let's do a limited comparison. One of America's most widely-read and favorite Southern Gothic novels is To Kill a Mockingbird, which chronicles the timid childhood interactions of Scout and Jem Finch with the local group outcast, Boo Radley. This book may not strike you as particularly gothic, especially if you grew up wanting to befriend Jem and Scout (and possibly even Boo), or to have Atticus for a dad, but technically speaking, it fits. Let's take a look at those criteria again.

The supernatural. Okay, so Mockingbird isn't exactly supernatural, but narrated straight through the eyes of a terrified six-year old, it might as well be. Scary guy locked in his house for decades because he probably stabbed his dad in the leg with scissors? It ain't natural, that's for sure. The only thing holding Boo from becoming a full-blown Emily Grierson is the fact that he isn't hiding any bodies - that we know of. Injustice. Boy howdy! roughly every character in the novel is at least somewhat racist, together with our lovable narrator from time to time. The plot centers colse to the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man who is wrongly accused - and ultimately convicted - of raping a white woman - who concocted the story to hide her crush on Tom from an abusive father. When Tom tries to leave prison, he is shot no less than seventeen times. You know, just in case. The grotesque. While To Kill a Mockingbird isn't gory, some of its characters can be downright foul. Mrs. DuBose is a great example of a grotesque character; she's a humorless old bigot with an unnecessarily possessive attitude toward her camellias, but since we later find out she's trying to kick a nasty morphine addiction, we end up feeling kind of bad for her. Sometimes, a drug habit or an overbearing father is all it takes.

So while the two stories may seem very dissimilar at first glance, they share a particular aggregate of gothic elements that allows them to unglamorously eye group and cultural issues of the South - either they be racism and bigotry or plainly the outdatedness of the "Southern Belle" arrival to dating. You resolve which is scarier.

Southern Gothic Writing in "A Rose For Emily" and "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Lockheed P-38 Lightning

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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The first P-38 Lightning flew in 1939, but it was not until 1941 that full scale production was started. When the Usaaf first accepted delivery, the Lightning was the Fastest fighter in the Air Corps. Over the years of its production, there were over a dozen model variants built. The changes were mainly in armaMent or increased load-carrying capacity. The P-38L was the most built model, 3923 in all. The final variants of the Lightning design, the F-4 and F-5 were photo-reconnaissance Aircraft and were used in both the European and Asian theatres of operations. Some of P-38Ls were converted for Pathfinder operations with the factory of radar in the nose. Counting all variations of the P-38, there were a total of 10,037 built in all. Only seven are believed Airworthy today.

The P-38 incorporated many firsts into its design. It was the first to use a tricycle landing gear, the only mass-produced singular seat twin machine fighter in Wwii and it was the first fighter with the quality of flying over the North Atlantic for delivery to Europe with its non-stop un-refuelled range of over 3000 miles when fitted with drop tanks.

American Stories

The P-38 was powered by two 1475hp Allison V-12 turbo-charged engines. While its empty weight was 12,800 lbs., it could takeoff with 80% of its weight, at 21,600 lbs. which gave it claim to an additional one first, being able to carry two torpedoes. With a distance of 37ft 10in, its wingspan was 52 ft. Maximum speed at 25,000 was 414 mph with a service ceiling of 44,000 ft. Its rate-of-climb exceeded that of any German or Japanese fighter, which gave the Lightning the great benefit of all the time being able to fly above the enemy.

How to The Lockheed P-38 Lightning

The P-38 served with dissimilarity in all theaters of carrying out through the war. It was responsible for traditional escort duty in the early sTAGes of the daylight bombing campaign in Europe. It was the traditional fighter in the Mediterranean Theater, where it gained the nickname of "The Fork-tailed Devil" from Luftwaffe pilots and performed with exquisite results in North Africa and the invasion of Italy. It even operated in the harsh conditions of the Alaskan Aleutian Islands against the numerically excellent Japanese while the early part of the war.

However, the P-38 will be forever linked to the South Pacific. Japanese ships and aircraft were constantly being savaged under the guns of skilled American pilots. The Japanese were never able to be on the obnoxious and were usually on their heels. The P-38 routinely destroyed bombers, fighters and ships without many losses. In fact, the mean kill ratio was over 10 to 1. For every ten confirmed kills, only one P-38 was lost to all causes (this includes being shot down, lost at sea and mechanical failures).

Without any doubts, the P-38 was able to perform many roles with great success. No other aircraft can boast this ability. The P-51 was a better air-to-air fighter, but it was not as effective in ground strikes and was unable to perform sufficient reconnaissance. The B-17 and the B-24 were excellent long-range level bombers, but the P-38 was approximately able to carry the same bomb load and would turn into fighters as soon as the bombs were dropped. The P-38 was modified to carry torpedoes, transformed into a night fighter, was able to dive/level bomb and was the main reconnaissance aircraft in the American air forces.

Pilots loved the airplane for its maneuverability, high-altitude capabilities and long flight endurance, which could reach over 11 hours with full drop tanks. One of the most notable P-38 pilots was Major Richard Bong who scored 40 aerial victories making him the top American ace of Wwii.

One of the many stories of the Lightning is one about the Phantom P-38. Damaged Flying Fortresses returning from bombing missions in the Mediterranean theatre that were straggling behind the main formations, were being lost to a P-38 that would fly alongside, waggle his wings and wave important the bomber crew to believe that the fighter was going to Supply cover on it's return flight. The bomber's gunners would relax, the Phantom P-38 would take up a defensive position above and aft of the bomber, then suddenly dive and shoot down the Flying Fortress. This happened a whole of times before Command gave the story any credence, but then brain found out that a P-38 believed lost over the Mediterranean Sea, had as a matter of fact made it safely to an airport in Sardinia. There the pilot was taken prisoner, but the aircraft itself was taken over by an Italian pilot who was able to master the P-38 and started his work as the Phantom Lightning. His work was ended when a heavily armored and armed Fortress trapped him into thinking he had an additional one easy picking and as he went to take up his usual pre-attack position, the Fortress opened up fire and shot him down. He managed to bail out and was rescued. An spicy footnote is that he later attended the funeral of the Fortress pilot whose vehicle aircraft had crashed while the Berlin Airlift.

The Lockheed P-38 Lightning

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

American Ways

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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There are many characteristics and traits of American Culture. Some of these can be hard to identify while you have grown up in, and lived in the culture your whole life. There can be seen, both a good and bad side to many of these traits and while it seems that it would be nice to take off the bad parts of our culture, on closer examination the great parts of our culture are intimately interwoven with the negative.


American Stories

One of the most foundational traits that is interwoven into all aspects of our community is the trust in individualism. Very connected with the ideal that all habitancy are created equal, or capable of becoming what ever they strive for, individualism seeks to be recognized based on our individual merits and not on whatever else, including house name, class, race, or creed.

How to American Ways

In law this trait can seem very obvious and helpful. Each someone can become whatever they want to be, if they strive and work hard enough. They can be recognized for their individual efforts. There are many stories of Men and woMen that have overcome terrible obstacles to become great. habitancy that start their lives in poverty, and issue have risen above to become wealthy and flourishing through their hard work and determination. Sports star like Michael Jordon, Tv host and billionAire Opera Winfrey, college dropout turned Computer billionAire Bill Gates, 12 times bankrupt turned chicken empire owner "Colonel" Sanders, and many others have fought against odds to become great. It is true that many of these had innate skills that others did not, like sports ability, or intelligence, but many triumphed through sheer will.

Within this trust system, each man (or woman) can stand on their own, and needs to be able to do so. Even very young children are taught to be independent as possible, developMent decisions for themselves where they can. The elderly also don't want to be a burden as they grow older and hope to avow their independence as much as possible. There are also extremes held in the trust that habitancy are entitled to their own stuff, and their own privacy. Even Infants often have their own rooms and toys. community is a foreign belief to many. There are exact dark sides to this trait.

Because of this independent mindset habitancy are ashamed to ask for help. Relatives that are sick or feeble often sit in nursing homes poorly cared for and rarely visited. habitancy often don't even know their neighbors names, and a sense of community is lacking. habitancy will step over the downtrodden and homeless expending only sufficient power to tell them to "get a Job." habitancy go through their life never forming a close bond with others and not feeling they have whatever to turn to in times of need. Even in my own life there have been times I have felt alone even in a room full of habitancy I know, feeling like there are few, if any, habitancy I can share my dreams and despairs with. It can be an isolating mindset. As with most American traits you must take the bad with the good. They are like two sides of a coin.

Action and Hard Work

Closely connected is the belief of hard work. Long hours are spent keeping the giant motor of American capitalism running. habitancy in America can work up to 18 hours a day and some 7 days a week. Withdrawal is a passing tradition and habitancy are working later into their lives. Staying independent and the drive for success feed very much into this trait of American life.

Through hard work many of the great discoveries and successes have been formed. America leads many fields in science and engineering. Knowledge that is practical and beneficial is what is held dear. Americans in normal have issue sitting colse to and "doing nothing." Most stay active and push on into the hereafter trying to make tomorrow a great place. The hunt is constant for how to heighten life for all. Scientists and Physicians hunt to cure diseases, and lengthen life. Engineers try to build great time saving devices and heighten equipMent to make things Faster, more efficient, and useful. Athletes push harder and farther. The ideal is that if everyone works hard life will be better.

I have to wonder who, though, life is great for. Many Americans never seem to stop and rest. They don't take time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They don't sit colse to and socialize unless it involves doing something. Even I will find "reasons" for friends to come over, even if it is to play cards, or have a cook out. Our community is based on action. habitancy have been known to work themselves into sickness and depression. With few close and meaningful connections, some even resolve that ending their own life is the only way out.


Linked very intimately with a trust in equality is informality. Since "all men are created equal" it is believed that there is not much need for formality. Professors often will be on a first name basis in some universities. Coworkers and their bosses act in many ways as equals with very few differences in speech in the middle of distinct groups. It is not unusual to see top executives in sweats and a t-shirt, or at least very informal Dress. The trust that there should be petite recognition of "caste" or class is on the face apparent. habitancy believe that formality is not needful and even those with less impressive Jobs, like wait staff should be treated with "common" respect. There are very few habitancy that feel they are entitled to special treatment due to their station.

On the other hand it can seem odd knowing who has a position of authority. To a foreigner the subtle differences can be very hard to see. There may also be less drive for some habitancy to corollary in life, as some may wish to earn respect through their struggle to be of higher station. I have known habitancy that query respect of title that have been ostracized as cold and impersonal. When one works for many years to earn a title, they may feel that respect is due them. Maybe they are right. In America though it is what you achieve that habitancy respect. In some cases this could be setting a narrative or development use of an innate ability. Sports stars often command grand respect and make barrels of money while a physician that treats the poor and homeless out of the goodness of their heart may unmistakably be looked down upon by many. Religious leaders may be spoken poorly of and shunned by all but their immediate followers.

Concerns and conclusions

It can be very hard to look at the bad side of American traits. It may seem that we should cut them out of our mentality. Unfortunately many of the things that are cherished about our culture would fall apart if we did that. Without the individuality that causes the poor and homeless to be shunned by some, it might be harder for habitancy to rise from a low station to a high one and very few would be able to rise from the station into which they were born. Without the trust that all should be treated with respect that eliminates outer shows of respect to the accomplished, many in lower stations may be improperly treated and looked down upon. Without the trust in performance that causes many to be weary and withdrawn, not as many great advances would have been accomplished.

It is of great concern to me that these beliefs seem to necessitate ill treatment in some cases. Stereotypes have arisen for some group groups. Due to the culture of individuality many don't feel close to most people, and may gravitate towards habitancy they see as like themselves. They also tend to gain a distrust of others that are not. Racism and sex discrimination is unfortunately still prevalent in this country. Heck, there are some members of my own house I don't even speak with due to their strong racist views. habitancy that don't rise to the "top" and fulfill their dreams are not happy with their lives and become depressed or kill themselves with no sustain from friends or community. habitancy often feel isolated and alone.

The American Culture does work on me personally more than I care to admit. I find I have very few true friendships, and they don't seem very close. With my best friend, we are Ok if we speak a few times a year, but we know if we need each other, we are there and willing to help. My own house I rarely speak to. I may talk with my mom a few times a year, and its regularly colse to the holidays. When we talk, we seem very close, and the in in the middle of length doesn't seem to matter. The main fancy I talk to my father as much as I do is because he calls me every few weeks, but he himself is quite isolated from most other people. He has no close friends. I recently got him a cat to keep him company.

There is without fail a obvious closeness that is lacking in my life. Most of my feelings and troubles I would not tell a living person. In our culture that would be a sign of inadequacy, and you're not supposed to admit that. Life seems that it would be easier if we formed bonds and helped each other out. I tend to help others fairly often, but would feel ashamed to ask for help. Something seems mentally twisted about that. Don't get me wrong, I stand well alone. I can outline out my problems, and have had therapy quite a bit when I was younger. There is a separation in the middle of myself and others that my religious beliefs tell me is not supposed to be there. We are supposed to be as one in many ways, and share each other's burdens.

In all this, however, I am one of the habitancy rising up and becoming something more. Though I was a single custodial parent at the age of 17, I have just finished college and will become something greater than many belief I would. I am succeeding and pushing send with hard work and determination. I am proof of both the good and bad of the system. My weaknesses and strengths fit well within the definition of American culture. I am more open minded and conscious of the suffering colse to me then most habitancy seem to be, but how do I know what they feel inside and are ashamed to admit.

In our community it is hard to separate out the bad from the good, as both would most likely fall. Our job as individuals is to look intimately at ourselves and see what petite changes we can make. How can we help another? In our send looking culture we need to not ignore the present and help each other out if only a bit.

In our global hamlet it is a very good thing for Americans to spend some time in other cultures, either in the pockets within out cities, or by visiting other countries. To learn about many other cultures we may find ways of integrating the best of all for a life that is both effective but yet fulfilling. To strive and never enjoy is a road to suffering, but never taking performance does not bring the joy of accomplishment and success either. Balance is needed in all things in this world. True fulfillment comes when Balance is achieved among the many areas of our lives.

American Ways

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