Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bipolar Stories - A Mark of Genius?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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A lot of celebrities suffered of bipolar disorder, or are now conception to have had it based on their lifeworks and stories. There have been so many, in fact, that it is carefully by some to be a mark of genius. That may or may not be true, but it is easy to see why the relationship is made after a look at the many notable people with bipolar disorder. You can read any bipolar stories here.

Many notable writers are believed to have had bipolar disorder. Mark Twain, notable and beloved American humorist, writer and lecturer, suffered vital personal and pro loss with the demise of his publishing business. While bipolar symptoms are believed to have influenced his later life, Mark Twain is an example of a inevitable impact of bipolar disorder had on the creativity of one individual. Unfortunately, like with many bipolar celebrities many of his crazy firm ideas had never come true.

American Stories

Kurt Vonnegut is believed to have suffered from bipolar disorder. After a severe depression in 1969, when he published his world known novel Slaughterhouse-Five, he swore he would never write an additional one book. However, he went on to write an additional one novel only four years later. William Faulkner, who invented an whole fictional place Yoknapatawha County lived with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The are abundance of other notable novelists and poets like Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson and Virginia Woolf were known to be bipolar.

How to Bipolar Stories - A Mark of Genius?

The are also other creative talents like Beethoven, Van Gogh and Isaac Newton have been also conception to have had from the disorder and probably it caused their exceptional gifts. Among modern politicians Winston Churchill and Benjamin Franklin are interesting examples of a successful bipolar persons in modern history.

People who have bipolar disorder have influenced our lives in countless ways. Bipolar disorder has indirectly enrolled our loves affecting the health of those who have made vital contributions to humanity. It is known that manic episodes or hypomania being a symptomatic part of the bipolar disorder often lead to times of intense productivity. And though bipolar disorder causes real distress for those who live it, it is difficult to deny that it is also can be carefully to be a type of disorder of talented and genius people.

The topic of bipolar disorders is also extensively presented in books and novels. Patty Duke an academy award winning American actress used to be bipolar patient who has had bipolar attacks of disorder through out her life. She described the disease in her book and spoke about her struggle with disorder in numerous interviews. Kay Redfield Jamison, a well known psychologist was diagnosed bipolar disorder when she was 28, published two books, together with her own experiences with the disease and pathology of interaction in the middle of illness and creativity. Other notable people also wrote about the topic and the way thinking disorders influenced their life.

Many modern stars and celebrities have been diagnosed this type of thinking disorders by their doctors. Actresses Linda Hamilton, Margot Kidder, Carrie Fisher, and already Mentioned Patty Duke are the bipolar patients, while musicians such as Kurt Cobain, Ozzy Osbourne, Axel Rose, and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails got the same pathology from thinking professionals as well.

In the past, bipolar people were misunderstood and most other people admittedly feared them that is why their life was very complex and often socially isolated. They needed to go through their life living with greatest pressure both from inside and outside.

Today, the disorder is treated with therapy and medication eliminating the major symptoms of the disease. At the same time many patients feel that the medications stunt their creativity.

Bipolar disorder shall be described as a life-long, permanent health that must be carefully managed and continuously treated. modern healing science made a lot to invent treatMents that influence disorder without depressing creativity on the whole spectrum. Nowadays there are so many very well functioning bipolar people of above mean creativity, although those used to have the life threatening depression symptoms. notable bipolar people has proven that this disorder can not prevent people from foremost a very general full of creativity and innovative ideas life.

Bipolar Stories - A Mark of Genius?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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