Saturday, February 12, 2011

Living the American Dream

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
How to

Can you guess who this is? He came to this country as a young man and has risen to the very top in his profession. He then went on to supervene in three other fields, real estate investing, acting and politics. Here is his devotee plan and a check list to help you create your own devotee plan.

"I will come to America, which is the country for me. Once here, I will become the many bodybuilder in history." "While I am doing this I will learn excellent English and educate myself - but only with those things I need to know. I will get a college degree so I can get a firm degree." "Simultaneously I will make whatever money inherent from bodybuilding and spend it in real estate where I will make the big money." "I will go into the movies as an actor, producer and ultimately director.

American Stories

By the time I am 30 I will have starred in my first movie and I will be a millionAire." "I will derive houses, art and automobiles. I will see the world. Along the way, I will learn to impress citizen and I will hone my mind to outwit all of them." "I will marry a glamorous and sharp wife. By 32, I will have been invited to the white house..." If you didn't frame it out yet, this list of achieveMents belongs to none other than the great American Success Story - Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How to Living the American Dream

Now when Arnold came to this country he had no Job, barely spoke the language, had no connections or money. What he did have was natural ability a burning desire and a mighty personal foresight coupled with a devotee (strategic) plan.

We may not have the genetics or desire to be a Mr/Ms Universe but the lesson here is you don't need to pump iron to be successful. The real message is to pump up your dreams. Below is a check list to help you start "living The American Dream"

1. create a mighty Personal Vision. This is a foresight of who you wish to become. For Arnold it was to be Mr. Universe and used the fame and fortune to move to the next level of success.and strategic plan and go for it! Ask yourself this question: "If you knew you couldn't fail what would you do?" Dream big! Now write this foresight out using strong graphic adjectives.

2. Draw up a Personal Mission StateMent: Again Schwarzenegger stated quite clearly what he was going to do and how he was going to achieve it. If your foresight is to be a doctor curative the poor, then your mission statement will reflect the steps you will need to take to become a doctor.

3. Set Goals: By 30 I will be a millionAire. Like Arnold state a goal, I will own my own firm by age 25. Having a goal and putting a deadline to accomplishing it gives the goal a sense of urgency.

4. Originate a strategy or operation steps: If you want to be a champion body constructor then obviously spending a lot of time in the gym is one of the operation steps you will need to commit to. If you are going to be a lawyer then getting good grades, studying hard and passing the bar exams are operation steps.

By following the above checklist you will create a devotee plan and like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger you will be living the American Dream!

Living the American Dream

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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