Sunday, February 6, 2011

American Ways

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
How to

There are many characteristics and traits of American Culture. Some of these can be hard to identify while you have grown up in, and lived in the culture your whole life. There can be seen, both a good and bad side to many of these traits and while it seems that it would be nice to take off the bad parts of our culture, on closer examination the great parts of our culture are intimately interwoven with the negative.


American Stories

One of the most foundational traits that is interwoven into all aspects of our community is the trust in individualism. Very connected with the ideal that all habitancy are created equal, or capable of becoming what ever they strive for, individualism seeks to be recognized based on our individual merits and not on whatever else, including house name, class, race, or creed.

How to American Ways

In law this trait can seem very obvious and helpful. Each someone can become whatever they want to be, if they strive and work hard enough. They can be recognized for their individual efforts. There are many stories of Men and woMen that have overcome terrible obstacles to become great. habitancy that start their lives in poverty, and issue have risen above to become wealthy and flourishing through their hard work and determination. Sports star like Michael Jordon, Tv host and billionAire Opera Winfrey, college dropout turned Computer billionAire Bill Gates, 12 times bankrupt turned chicken empire owner "Colonel" Sanders, and many others have fought against odds to become great. It is true that many of these had innate skills that others did not, like sports ability, or intelligence, but many triumphed through sheer will.

Within this trust system, each man (or woman) can stand on their own, and needs to be able to do so. Even very young children are taught to be independent as possible, developMent decisions for themselves where they can. The elderly also don't want to be a burden as they grow older and hope to avow their independence as much as possible. There are also extremes held in the trust that habitancy are entitled to their own stuff, and their own privacy. Even Infants often have their own rooms and toys. community is a foreign belief to many. There are exact dark sides to this trait.

Because of this independent mindset habitancy are ashamed to ask for help. Relatives that are sick or feeble often sit in nursing homes poorly cared for and rarely visited. habitancy often don't even know their neighbors names, and a sense of community is lacking. habitancy will step over the downtrodden and homeless expending only sufficient power to tell them to "get a Job." habitancy go through their life never forming a close bond with others and not feeling they have whatever to turn to in times of need. Even in my own life there have been times I have felt alone even in a room full of habitancy I know, feeling like there are few, if any, habitancy I can share my dreams and despairs with. It can be an isolating mindset. As with most American traits you must take the bad with the good. They are like two sides of a coin.

Action and Hard Work

Closely connected is the belief of hard work. Long hours are spent keeping the giant motor of American capitalism running. habitancy in America can work up to 18 hours a day and some 7 days a week. Withdrawal is a passing tradition and habitancy are working later into their lives. Staying independent and the drive for success feed very much into this trait of American life.

Through hard work many of the great discoveries and successes have been formed. America leads many fields in science and engineering. Knowledge that is practical and beneficial is what is held dear. Americans in normal have issue sitting colse to and "doing nothing." Most stay active and push on into the hereafter trying to make tomorrow a great place. The hunt is constant for how to heighten life for all. Scientists and Physicians hunt to cure diseases, and lengthen life. Engineers try to build great time saving devices and heighten equipMent to make things Faster, more efficient, and useful. Athletes push harder and farther. The ideal is that if everyone works hard life will be better.

I have to wonder who, though, life is great for. Many Americans never seem to stop and rest. They don't take time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They don't sit colse to and socialize unless it involves doing something. Even I will find "reasons" for friends to come over, even if it is to play cards, or have a cook out. Our community is based on action. habitancy have been known to work themselves into sickness and depression. With few close and meaningful connections, some even resolve that ending their own life is the only way out.


Linked very intimately with a trust in equality is informality. Since "all men are created equal" it is believed that there is not much need for formality. Professors often will be on a first name basis in some universities. Coworkers and their bosses act in many ways as equals with very few differences in speech in the middle of distinct groups. It is not unusual to see top executives in sweats and a t-shirt, or at least very informal Dress. The trust that there should be petite recognition of "caste" or class is on the face apparent. habitancy believe that formality is not needful and even those with less impressive Jobs, like wait staff should be treated with "common" respect. There are very few habitancy that feel they are entitled to special treatment due to their station.

On the other hand it can seem odd knowing who has a position of authority. To a foreigner the subtle differences can be very hard to see. There may also be less drive for some habitancy to corollary in life, as some may wish to earn respect through their struggle to be of higher station. I have known habitancy that query respect of title that have been ostracized as cold and impersonal. When one works for many years to earn a title, they may feel that respect is due them. Maybe they are right. In America though it is what you achieve that habitancy respect. In some cases this could be setting a narrative or development use of an innate ability. Sports stars often command grand respect and make barrels of money while a physician that treats the poor and homeless out of the goodness of their heart may unmistakably be looked down upon by many. Religious leaders may be spoken poorly of and shunned by all but their immediate followers.

Concerns and conclusions

It can be very hard to look at the bad side of American traits. It may seem that we should cut them out of our mentality. Unfortunately many of the things that are cherished about our culture would fall apart if we did that. Without the individuality that causes the poor and homeless to be shunned by some, it might be harder for habitancy to rise from a low station to a high one and very few would be able to rise from the station into which they were born. Without the trust that all should be treated with respect that eliminates outer shows of respect to the accomplished, many in lower stations may be improperly treated and looked down upon. Without the trust in performance that causes many to be weary and withdrawn, not as many great advances would have been accomplished.

It is of great concern to me that these beliefs seem to necessitate ill treatment in some cases. Stereotypes have arisen for some group groups. Due to the culture of individuality many don't feel close to most people, and may gravitate towards habitancy they see as like themselves. They also tend to gain a distrust of others that are not. Racism and sex discrimination is unfortunately still prevalent in this country. Heck, there are some members of my own house I don't even speak with due to their strong racist views. habitancy that don't rise to the "top" and fulfill their dreams are not happy with their lives and become depressed or kill themselves with no sustain from friends or community. habitancy often feel isolated and alone.

The American Culture does work on me personally more than I care to admit. I find I have very few true friendships, and they don't seem very close. With my best friend, we are Ok if we speak a few times a year, but we know if we need each other, we are there and willing to help. My own house I rarely speak to. I may talk with my mom a few times a year, and its regularly colse to the holidays. When we talk, we seem very close, and the in in the middle of length doesn't seem to matter. The main fancy I talk to my father as much as I do is because he calls me every few weeks, but he himself is quite isolated from most other people. He has no close friends. I recently got him a cat to keep him company.

There is without fail a obvious closeness that is lacking in my life. Most of my feelings and troubles I would not tell a living person. In our culture that would be a sign of inadequacy, and you're not supposed to admit that. Life seems that it would be easier if we formed bonds and helped each other out. I tend to help others fairly often, but would feel ashamed to ask for help. Something seems mentally twisted about that. Don't get me wrong, I stand well alone. I can outline out my problems, and have had therapy quite a bit when I was younger. There is a separation in the middle of myself and others that my religious beliefs tell me is not supposed to be there. We are supposed to be as one in many ways, and share each other's burdens.

In all this, however, I am one of the habitancy rising up and becoming something more. Though I was a single custodial parent at the age of 17, I have just finished college and will become something greater than many belief I would. I am succeeding and pushing send with hard work and determination. I am proof of both the good and bad of the system. My weaknesses and strengths fit well within the definition of American culture. I am more open minded and conscious of the suffering colse to me then most habitancy seem to be, but how do I know what they feel inside and are ashamed to admit.

In our community it is hard to separate out the bad from the good, as both would most likely fall. Our job as individuals is to look intimately at ourselves and see what petite changes we can make. How can we help another? In our send looking culture we need to not ignore the present and help each other out if only a bit.

In our global hamlet it is a very good thing for Americans to spend some time in other cultures, either in the pockets within out cities, or by visiting other countries. To learn about many other cultures we may find ways of integrating the best of all for a life that is both effective but yet fulfilling. To strive and never enjoy is a road to suffering, but never taking performance does not bring the joy of accomplishment and success either. Balance is needed in all things in this world. True fulfillment comes when Balance is achieved among the many areas of our lives.

American Ways

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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