Sunday, March 20, 2011

American Exceptionalism & Unilateralism

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
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A series of decisions by the current Us Administration, in widely differing sectors, are causing increasing concern among the global public-health community. Together, these decisions can possibly best be understanding of as manifestations of American exceptionalism, in which international laws and standards of behavior apply only to other countries. In the international arena the Usa has opted out of a series of group initiatives, many of which have potentially prominent consequences for health, security, and human rights. These initiatives and treaties consist of topics such as the banning of land-mines, the International Criminal Court, and the promulgation of anti-ballistic missiles. The decision to send captured fighters from Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they are held in legal limbo, is viewed by some as a withdrawal from the Geneva Convention. In other areas, Us officials have stayed at the table but sought to undermine sufficient action, as with the Framework convention on Tobacco operate or the quest for concerted action on climate convert (the Kyoto Protocol).

Domestic and international politics, however, related. Despite budget deficit, increased troops expenditure, and taxes burden, that increased pressure on American citizens, U.S rehearsal unilaterally in the world. U.S. Current leaders want to provide their needs by colonization and expansion policies same as colonial powers in last centuries.

American Stories

American Exceptionalism located American values at town of foreign policy, fostering reliance in the needful union of American virtue and power. American Expectionalism opens up American national history to a series of intersection with other national stories. American Exceptionalism cause that U.S. Acts exclusively in all aspects like politics, culture, economy, and military.

How to American Exceptionalism & Unilateralism

American irregularity lists' effete on American political culture, as a result, it shapes definite characters in American people. Then Americans behave based on them in any relations, even in interactions with other nations. U.S. Administrators, beneath of this monster, want to lead world. They believe that nations and states should act based on U.S. Business transaction and American values. Thus U.S. Foreign policy officials identify a divine mission for guide world, particularly less-developed and uncivilized nations, to prosperity, welfare and humanitarian behaviors. They argue that must democratize and make freedom all peoples.

According to American Exceptionalism and American values and American nationalism, White House administrators convention in international principles so that any theories of international relations cannot elucidate U.S. Foreign policies. Realists emphasize states interest in accumulating power to ensure security in an anarchic world, race their own national interests defend in terms of power, while U.S. Stress on human rights, international law, international regimes, international organizations that correspond to liberalism theory. On one hand, U.S. Drastically emphasizes to norms, group values, non-material structures of international system, that they are key concepts and assumptions of constructivism, on the other, seeks to undermine sufficient actions same as Kyoto protocol or withdraw frame Geneva convention, and attacked to Iraq without Un agreeMent. Of course, human rights, freedom, democracy, and war against terrorism are American tools for intervening in external and internal affAirs of other actors. However, we know that U.S. Has great troops power, but U.S policymakers use soft power , because this sort of power grant to U.S policies and governors legitimacy, also group opinions feel satisfaction.

Americans assume themselves as sticker of freedom, democracy, and civilization, and also pride because of these exceptional imaginations, then U.S. Administrations misuse interpretation of these concepts for uniting and enforcing Americans national sensitive. For instance, the day after September 11, Bush said that:" The deliberate and deadly attacks which were carried out yesterday against our country were more than acts of terror. They were acts of war. This will need our country to unite in steadFast determination and resolve. relaxation and democracy are under attack. ... This enemy attacked not just our people, but freedom-loving population anywhere in the world. . . . This will be a monuMental struggle of good versus evil. But good will prevail. "

Any president or leader cannot claim same as Bush, today. It is evident of exceptional understanding and deliberation, just as Spanish and Britain prime ministers not only couldn't claim that terroristic operations in Madrid and London were assault to relaxation and democracy, but also couldn't accuse any country.

In globalization era, that national boarders and cultures is undermining, this is a good opportunity to replacing American values instead of local and national values. It seems that Americans policymakers now carry out this task bather than previous. American Exceptionalism encourages U.S. Leader to unilateralism, while it is perilous for humanity and causes basal reactions in world. Also, U.S. Leaders ignore identity crisis in America, Anti- Americanism, and hate of world population from America.

American Exceptionalism & Unilateralism

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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