Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rags to Riches?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
How to

We have come to expect that ghetto babies will grow up and die as ghetto adults. We seldom see any stories in the media about people who never raise above their ghetto existence. A large estimate of people born in a ghetto grow up and live decent lives. Many make it to a middle-class life style. However, these people are just as un-news worthy as those that never leave the ghetto. The rages to riches stories are presented by the media as proof of the possibilities for American citizens. They perpetuate the ideal that anyone living in America can come to be anyone he/she wants to be. How often have we seen the headlines: From The Ghetto To MillionAire. The media perpetuates the ideal that anyone in America can come to be anyone he/she wants to because it not only makes us feel good about our Country; it makes America look good to the rest of the World. The ideal says to the World that America is the land of opportunity. See!

Most of the ghetto to riches stories involves entertainers and athletes. Even though poor people comprehend that every person can not come to be entertainers or athletes, they exalt these people and exhaust their energies fantasizing about living such a life style. When they need to be developing their minds, they waste their efforts in trying to collect what they think are the symbols of a thriving life style. Those that can get the 0 Dollar tennis, the gold jewelry, and maybe even a used Bmw. Unfortunately, the symbols do nothing to turn their actual state of being. This is way I feel that stories displaying the life style of entertainers and athletes do more harm than good.

American Stories

Every so often we will see stories about a someone who came from the ghetto and made it to the point at which they could generate their own enterprise and became rich. Such stories could genuinely be helpful if they were not presented as rages to riches stories. A key ingredient is being left out when such stories are presented this way. For the stories to be helpful they need to be presented as from ignorance to knowledge stories. Before anyone gets offended, let me make clear that I am not using the term ignorance in a negative sense. Here, ignorance simply means to be unaware or to have a lack of knowledge. Remember, to turn anyone we must first admit that we are there.

How to Rags to Riches?

When the media tells the ghetto to riches stories they should de-emphasize the life style aspect and emphasize the ignorance to knowledge aspect of the story. I know that this would turn the whole intent (to perpetuate the land of opportunity myth) of the story. But, it could genuinely be helpful to less thriving people to know that the main incompatibility between them and the ghetto to riches people is a lack of knowledge.

Some people are born into rich families. Some people are born into poor families. The people born into rich families do not have to strive very hard to be considered a success. The people born into a poor family must work highly hard to go from ghetto to riches. It can be done, but they must understand that the hard work begins with a chase of knowledge. Choosing what you want to come to be is not as foremost as comprehension that to come to be good at anyone you must collect the requisite tools to achieve on a higher level.

Knowledge begins with gaining knowledge of the self. I am not suggesting that one has to go to a place of worship or bond to any particular religion. What I am suggesting is that we must form a association with a power that is bigger than ourselves. You can call it God, the Universe, or the Divine Force. What is foremost is that we develop the association and the comprehension that this higher power not only put us here, but it put us here for a purpose. It is this comprehension that can truly put us on the path from ghetto to riches. Being in America genuinely increases our chances of becoming successful. But, we must understand that just being here is not adequate to move us forward. If that was the case there would not be such a large estimate of poor people living here. You can come to be a success in America. You will follow with determination, steadFastness, and action. Most importantly, you will follow with self-knowledge and the knowledge that your higher power not only wants you to have abundance, but will also guide your journey to achieve the life you want to live.

Rags to Riches?

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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