Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reincarnation Stories - Are You Haunted by Your Past Lives?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
How to

I have been reading reincarnation stories since I was a teenager. There is something deeply sharp about the past-life experiences citizen have remembered, and how they work on their current lives - or are strangely mirrored in the present.

As we study someone's past incarnation in aged Rome, the American Civil War, or the Ming Dynasty, it opens our minds to subtle possibilities. Did we live back then? Who or what were we in past? And what does it have to do with what I am experiencing in my life right now?

American Stories

I think that many of us who read reincarnation stories do so because we have dim recollections of our own past lives, and we are trying to get more clarity on the subject.

How to Reincarnation Stories - Are You Haunted by Your Past Lives?

A Haunted Book?

A few years ago I gave a talk at the Las Vegas Paranormal Conference. At that lecture I told the audience about an sense I had associated to reincarnation.

Someone lent me a book that described in detail a clear duration in British history - a culture and time duration I had never studied before. The more I read, the more customary seemed all things I was reading. It was as if the book was reminding me of things I had always known.

At one point, the author wrote that the monarch of that time had sent a clear knight or courtier to a specific location. The sentence was interrupted by the lowest of the page. The location would be named at the top of the next page, which had yet to be turned. As I was reading, and before I turned to the next page, the strong concept came to me, "I remember that! So and so was sent to ____." And the name of some obscure town in England (not London or York, but a much smaller town) popped into my mind.

I turned the page . . . And that was the town listed.

I almost dropped the book! I thought, "This book is haunted!"

But it wasn't the book that was haunted - as I told my Las Vegas ghost hunting audience - it was I who was haunted by my past life.

All of us are haunted by our past lives.

What do Past-Life Influences Look Like?

Past-life influences show up in itsybitsy ways. You've probably experienced them yourself.

The opportunity when you traveled to some part of the world you had never visited and the place seemed hauntingly familiar.

The first time you met one of your best friends and felt that you had known them forever.

That extra occasion of recognition and illumination when you sensed that you an your spouse were carrying forward a connection you had initiated in the past.

That ultra strong sense of déjà vu, when you felt clear you had experienced a current situation before, but you had no recollection of anything similar happening in this lifetime.

These are just a handful of the many ways in which past-life memories and karma work on our current, daily lives. And we are reminded of them when we read reincarnation stories.

We read reincarnation stories about other citizen because, on a deeper level, we sense that we are reading about ourselves.

Reincarnation Stories - Are You Haunted by Your Past Lives?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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