Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Best Loved Poems of The American population - By Hazel Felleman

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How to

This Book of Poetry was printed in 1936. Bear with me as I impart what our country was like at that time. It was in the middle of the last great depression, and so a very bad economic time. However it was purchased and read by many folks for the same reasons that I have read it many times. Tom Brokaw called it "The most Generation".

The book was dedicated to Adolph S. Ochs publisher of the New York Times, who died in 1935. Ochs was a lover of poetry who began his vocation as a newsboy in Tennessee. While we now can "Google" data about most anything, at that time the radio and newspaper were our main source of data for those that could afford them.

American Stories

Felleman worked for the Times, in the inquire and riposte section of the Book impart area. She had received more requests for data about Poems, than any other items that showed her which ones were the public's favorites. The Times was the "Google" for those times and requests were mailed in from all over the nation. As Edward Frank Allen states in the introduction this book was edited by the American People. His introduction is well adequate written and challenging that it will merit you reading it.

How to The Best Loved Poems of The American population - By Hazel Felleman

In that wise let me quote a few sentences from the introduction. I think what he says in 1936 is still fitting for today's society. Allen stated: "Today poetry is an absolute necessity. The world needs it for it's vitalizing strength. Poetry has nearly everything that music can give-melody, rhythm, sentiMent-but it has this advanTAGe: it can come closer to the heart. It satisfies a hunger for charm that is a part of nearly every normal person's make-up.

The book is organized quite well. Reading Poetry is a personal thing and we like distinct types or even personel poems in distinct categories. Therefore the book is divided into 12 sections based on the field of the poems. From Love and Friendship to various Themes. Humor, patriotism, poems that tell a story and more. The first poem is by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the last by Robert Browning. You will find an index listed by Authors, First Lines, and Titles. The 670 pages are well set up for easy way to all article by all readers. It is a very good book for all citizen of a wide range of age.. It has Poems by many illustrious Poets and others less known. Felleman includes some poems by Unkown Poets, whose poems were well liked but the authorship was not known.

You will find, as Hazel Felleman relates, all the poems are not necessarily her favorites but they were included because they were the favorites of the American People. A few of my favorites are not in this book but many are there.

I "Googled" and found that it is still in print and is ready both new and used at most Book Stores. I find prices from 25 cents to 17.00. Quite a business transaction for the bookshelf and your pleasure.

Turn off the Tv, toss the Newspaper, find your quiet nook and enjoy. I am sure you will enjoy it.

The Best Loved Poems of The American population - By Hazel Felleman

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