Friday, April 15, 2011

Plessy vs Ferguson - African American History Essay

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The U.S. Consummate Court: the highest court in the land. Their Job: to conclude the constitutionality of cases. But is that what they are nothing else but doing? Can we trust that their decisions are just? Two important cases in history can help answer this question. A 1896 U.S. Consummate Court case, Plessy v. Ferguson, made facilities and schools separate based on race. In an additional one case in 1954, Brown v. Board of Education, the court reversed its decision and said that separate was not equal. These two cases teach two lessons about the U.S. Consummate Court. Plessy shows that our justice ideas has failed at times to organize justice. Brown shows that even though the Court rules justly, justice isn't guaranteed.

American Stories

Many events led up to Plessy v. Ferguson. For example: after the Congress withdrew federal troops from the South in 1877, conditions for blacks deteriorated. The governMent pushed blacks into an inferior position. The governMent took performance to forestall blacks from voting immediately.

How to Plessy vs Ferguson - African American History Essay

They embarked poll taxes, "grandfather clauses". They also segregated on trains, in parks, schools, restaurants, theaters, swimming pools, and even ceMeteries. If blacks broke these segregation laws, they were likely to end up either in prison or dead!

The case of Plessy v. Ferguson was a very important case in American History because it enforced segregation even manufacture it legal, and made segregation a concrete reality for the people of the United States. It began with a man called Homer Plessy. Plessy was 7/8 white and only had 1/8 drop of black blood in him, but under Louisiana law, was considered black. In 1890, Louisiana passed a law providing that "all railway clubs carrying passengers in their coaches in this state shall Supply equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races, by providing two or more passenger coaches for each passenger train, or by dividing the passenger coaches by a partition so as to acquire separate accommodations." Plessy believed that the law was unjust and so he challenged the law by refusing to leave the white hasten car. He was arrested and taken to trial. At this trial he argued that the separate Car Act violated the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. But he was found guilty. Plessy then appealed the decision to the Consummate Court of Louisiana. Again his case was upheld. Plessy appealed again in 1896 to the Consummate Court of the United States. Homer Plessy was found guilty once again. The impact of the court's decision was a harsh one. It created a reality that was a horror to many. Their lives would be changed dramatically. They would officially be separated and considered low down in society.

Plessy v. Ferguson was the law of the land until 1954, when it was finally, successfully overturned by Brown v. Board of Education. In 1954, a microscopic girl named Linda Brown in Topeka, Kansas had to walk 5 miles to school. She didn't get recess and could not play with any of the other children who were all white. Her parents filed a case to the U.S. Consummate Court saying that there is no way blacks and whites could get equal education if they were separated. The court ruled that separate is not equal.

The whole of time in the middle of Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of education shows just how long it took to get justice for blacks from the Consummate Court. It amazes me that our government could even interrogate if blacks have the right to justice. It should be basic knowledge for us to know that it is wrong to treat any people so unjustly. Just to prove my point here are some questions you can ask yourself: are blacks human beings just like whites? Do blacks and whites both have feelings and needs? And finally, is the only discrepancy in the middle of blacks and whites is that they have a different complexion? I am confused as to why so many people, along with Justices on our Consummate Court would not answer yes to all these questions. How could anything who had any intelligence think it was approved to treat blacks differently?

Fortunately the Court did come to its senses in Brown v. Board of Education. Yet just because The U.S. Consummate Court ruled that separate is not equal it did not mean that blacks were automatically treated equally. After Brown v. Board of education happened, there needed to be the Civil possession Movement, in which many people were involved to push society to change. Two people who led the Civil possession Movement were Martin Luther King Jr. And Rosa Parks. We must answer that it wasn't only those people, there were others working and helping the same cause. There were many ways that they impacted The Civil possession Movement. They gave speeches, wrote letters, led marches, held meetings and many other strategies. They also endured reasoning and physical hardships. Only straight through the Civil possession Movement did the promise of Brown nothing else but get achieved. These people were poor, wealthy, high class, low class, black, some white, short and tall. Basically, there was a wide range of different kinds of people. Not everybody automatically changed their frame of mind when The U.S. Consummate Court ruled separate is not equal. There were still many people out there who were racist and wanted to keep blacks in an inferior position.

Plessy vs Ferguson - African American History Essay

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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