Saturday, April 23, 2011

Plot and structure in the Short Story

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!
How to

Any story has a singular plot and structure in which all characters play their part. In the short story, there is a wide range of structures and plot forms. A former or typical plot consists of a starting with introduction of the problem, middle - improveMent of the problem, and an end that elaborates the problem. If you read and study a story, you'll find that it comprises of these eleMents.

Less Predictable Plots:

American Stories

As the trend set by the old writers, most of the writers write stories in a typical way which is often predictable. Nevertheless, some writers break straight through the typical plot structure and speculation into less predictable plots. One of such suited writers is Canadian Margaret Atwood. Her Significant MoMents in the Life of My Mother (1983) seems to be plot-less but it is intentionally divided into 13 brief episodes.

How to Plot and structure in the Short Story

Complicating the Plot structure Using obvious Techniques:

Some innovative writers do not like to write story with straightforward plot. They complicate the structure of their plots by way of using obvious techniques, and tactics. They make use of some flashbacks and flash-forwards; with a frame that beautifully encloses the story or a story within a story. If you study Indian writings in English, you'll observe the nearnessy of story within the story. Moreover, such writers also use subplots often known as secondary storylines. Furthermore, they sometimes use duplicate plots that mean two or more likewise leading narratives developing simultaneously.

Enhancing the Plot Structure:

There are other devices that authors often use for enhancing the plot structure. They are reversals of fortune, foreshadowing, abrupt transitions, digressions, and juxtapositions of contrasting settings or characters. You'll find these eleMents in most of the contemporary writings.

Deliberate Ambiguity vs. Unambiguous Resolutions

There is deliberate ambiguity or open-enddness in stead of unambiguous resolutions or closed-endedness plot feature in many contemporary stories. The surprise endings of the stories of French author Guy de Maupassant influenced many commercial writers as well as some literary ones. His 1884 story The Necklace is remarkable. American author O. Henry became renowned for his surprise endings and paradoxical style. His story A Gift of the Magi (1905) is suited for this. Later on, American writer William Faulkner used this kind of surprise ending in A Rose for Emily (1931).

A powerfully crafted story can create the sense of awe, entertainment and delight in the reader. Nevertheless, it is up to the reader how to appreciate and enjoy a literary work.

Plot and structure in the Short Story

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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