Monday, January 31, 2011

The Destruction of an American family

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

Daddy Why Dont You Love Me No More?

The true Story of the Crowton Family

American Stories

United States citizens who are naive to the ways of the Child Protective system and the courts, or possibly not wealthy or connected, may inadvertently find themselves subjected to a nightmare. Many entities profit from the time a child first enters the system .
What are some of the techniques Cps

The Destruction of an American family

Every day across America, citizens of the United States log onto the internet and query either there might be child molesters and other kinds of sex offenders living somewhere in their neighborhood. Yet, the State of Michigan has made sure that David and Hege Crowton's children get to live with one.

After taking away David & Hege's children with a false motion and retention them away because he admitted to needing help with drug use and because of the State's failure to contribute the services required for them to have their children returned, the State of Michigan refused to take off their children (including their 5 year old girl) from a home where the children would cohabit with a child molester. The biological son of the raise parents assigned to the Crowton children was convicted of Criminal Sexual show the way (Second degree multiple) for doing something very sick to an innocent tiny 5 year old girl. Sources say that the raise family had gone to court to collect "grandparents rights" and force the visitation of their grand-daughter. They were granted under the health that the child be under supervision.

According to the police reports (which are collective data available straight through the Livingston County courthouse), at least one visit resulted in the 15 year old biological son of the raise parents involving the visiting 5 year old girl up to his room. There, he had his way with her while his parents and David's children were in someone else room. For one reckon or someone else the State of Michigan doesn't believe he ever touched David's children.

They apparently also are putting a lot of stock into the idea that he never will.

Amazingly, the State of Michigan believes that the same child molester who sexually abused a 5 year old girl who visited the home never once touched the 5 year old girl he lived with and babysat on numerous occasions---David's daughter. They believe this in spite of the fact that a police narrative shows a "similar complaint" about sexual molestation advent from David's 5 year old daughter. They have chosen to rely on "forensic interviews" by total strangers (rather than person the child would trust) to rule he had not abused her.

Note: A Study of 630 cases of alleged sexual abuse of children from 1985 straight through 1989: Using a subset of 116 confirmed cases, findings indicated that 79 percent of the children of the study initially denied abuse or were tentative in disclosing. Of those who did disclose, practically three-quarters disclosed accidentally.

Source: Sorensen & Snow, 1991.

After the sexual abuse, sources say the raise family's "grandparents rights" were terminated. It seems quite odd that the State of Michigan would end the Grandparents proprietary of this raise family partly because of their failure to safe this tiny girl but then approve the placeMent of David's children in this same home.

The Ombudsman, a state-appointed office set up to oversee the state's Child Protective Services, reviewed this case and subsequently recomMended a policy turn forbidding this from occurring in the future [ Read narrative ].

In spite of all this, steps are now being taken for this raise family to adopt these children. They refused to grant adoption to the children's Norwegian grandparents who are available and waiting with open arms to adopt them. The adoption to the raise family is Very close to being finalized. Their fate is to ultimately be decided by the same judge that allowed the placeMent of these children into this raise home, judge Elizabeth Pezzetti. Pezzetti was recently re-elected as a probate court Judge in Oakland County.

State Representative Tim Pope, who was on the health and Human Services Committee in the state of Oklahoma and has vast caress in dealing with Child Protective aid laws, has investigated and reviewed the whole file. He found that State and Federal laws have been broken by the State of Michigan Child Protective Services (Fia). Click here to read one of the letters he wrote asking a Michigan State Representative for help. The following is a statement from Tim Pope about this case:

"I have gotten to know David and Hege Crowton pretty well and I am convinced that they have been dealt a very bad hand from the Child Welfare department (that title is a real joke). David and Hege have had their proprietary repeatedly violated and I hope that somehow justice can prevail and they can get things put back together. Unfortunately, to make these kind of people accountable for their actions you must get them in court and that takes a lot of money - money that they do not have. I served for a whole of years on the Oklahoma department of Human Services committee in our State House and I can promise you that, if something like this had happened here, heads would roll and the people who perpetrated this crime in the name of the state would probably be put in jail."

Tim Pope, old Oklahoma State Representative

This is an Outrage and must be stopped!

To read more about this horrific tragedy you can go to [] to order a copy of the book by Author David Crowton

The Destruction of an American family

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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