Sunday, January 9, 2011

Radio Flyer first-rate Red Wagon - An American Story

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

With all the talk about immigration both in the news and private conversation, we sometimes forget the many from the past, as well as today, who come to the United States come with the hope of achieving the American dream. Such a story was played out early in the twentieth century on the north side of Chicago. A 16 year old native of Venice Italy named Antonio Pasin, son and grandson of Old World wood craftsMen, dreamed of starting his own firm in the land of opportunity.

His house had sold their mule to help pay for his trip to America. In Chicago he looked for work as a cabinet-maker, Though he was a skilled craftsman like his father and grandfather before him, Pasin had puny success looking work, and ultimately became a water boy for a sewer digging crew.

American Stories

He paid his dues, worked hard and by 1917, Pasin was handcrafting wooden wagons in a rented one-room shop by night, and selling them by day to local stores. His first wagon, the freedom Coaster, was named after the sculpture of Liberty.

Radio Flyer first-rate Red Wagon - An American Story

By 1923, Pasin's firm grew to contain several employees. They became known as the freedom Coaster Company. The Roaring Twenties was a decade that began with a sense of optimism and a carefree spirit. It ended with the fall of the stock store in October 1929, and the starting of the Great Depression. But while many had to outline out ways to make-do in a troubled America, Antonio Pasin was on the way to revolutionizing his vision.

As times of the 20's grew tough, Americans learned how to make do, or plainly do without. But even in tough times they dreamed of a best life for their children, and prolonged to question the basic value that Radio Flyer delivered. Despite the rising pressures of the times, Pasin and the freedom Coaster firm pushed forward.

With the automotive business as inspiration, Pasin began using metal-stamping technology in1927 to furnish steel wagons - and with his eye for innovation, applied mass-production techniques to wagon-making, creating the first wagon, "For every boy, For every girl." These innovations earned Pasin the nickname, "Little Ford." by his suppliers.

In 1930, the firm is renamed Radio Steel & Manufacturing from freedom Coaster Manufacturing, Co. And is already the world's largest producer of toy coaster wagons, producing 1500 of its now superior wagons. This was a decade of unparalleled uncertainty for the whole world. For America, the Great Depression's lasted from Black Tuesday in 1929 to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.

During the war wagon yield was paused to build the illustrious flat five gallon steel Gerry cans to furnish spare fuel Supplies for the Jeeps.

Radio Flyer first-rate Red Wagon - An American Story

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

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