Monday, January 17, 2011

The Story Behind The Native American Dreamcatchers

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

The native American dreamcatchers has been a great souvenir for many people for many years. people know that the story is that the dreamcatcher is to catch bad dreams, but other than that, not many people seem to know a lot about the dreamcatcher meaning. When you know the true meaning and the origins of the dreamcatcher, you will be able to enjoy it all that much better.
One thing that seems to be a wee too difficult to track down is exactly where the native American dreamcatchers started. There are in fact many different legends about the beginnings of the dreamcatchers and even how they work exactly. The only base thread is that there is a spider complex and that the bad dreams will go away and the good dreams will remain.

One legend claims that there are both good and bad dreams that float freely through the Air. As these dreams try to make their way to the someone sleeping, the bad dreams, not knowing their way, will come to be tangled in the web of the dreamcatcher and they will be stuck there. The good dreams will know their way and they will be able to slip through the dreamcatcher just fine in order to make their way to you.

American Stories

Another legend states that the native American dreamcatchers allow the bad dreams to slip through the hole in the middle of the weaved web. The good dreams will stay behind. This will all be as long as you believe in the help of the good spirits.

The Story Behind The Native American Dreamcatchers

In each of these legends, there is a spider that stops to talk to an elder woman and she passes the story from the spider to the rest of the tribe. So no matter how the story goes exactly, the end dreamcatcher meaning is all the time the same, the bad dreams are kept from you and the good dreams are allowed to stay with you.

Because of the stories and lore behind the native American dreamcatchers, many people, both native American and not will hang a dreamcatcher above their bed, especially for the beds of children. Whether or not the dreamcatchers work will depend on who you ask. There are some people who will swear by them and then there are those who claim that the whole ordeal is nothing more than a legend that has for real no truth to it.

Whether you believe in the native Americana dreamcatchers or not is completely over you. There is one thing that is for definite though and that is that they are very nice to look at and something that will help to make the wee ones feel great as they drift off to sleep at night.

The Story Behind The Native American Dreamcatchers

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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