Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's a Native American treatment Bag?

Digital Photography Secretsby David Peterson Click Here!

A Native American medicine bag is a small leather bag or pouch that contains assorted curative objects. They are often painted or beaded with designs definite for the wearer. This is done to entice or invoke the spirit of the animal, shape or symbol.

What's inside is other story. A medicine bag can contain innumerable objects. These objects are as unique as the person wearing it. Many people add their own "medicine" or curative objects. Although, most often a medicine person or indigenous healer will make the bag and add the contents. Coarse medicine bag objects are stones, ash from a ceremony fire, roots and barks, herbs, feathers, dirt from a ceremonial ground, or wood from a tree struck by lightening.

American Stories

Many people like their medicine bags very ornate and fancy, but in reality the bag should be downplayed. This is especially true when a medicine bag is made for protection, for instance, safety from jealousy, enemies, negativity, bad spirits, illness and the list goes on and on. A medicine bag is kind of like an "ace up your sleeve". Or maybe like a spray can of mace or other self defense weapon. You keep it handy, but you don't wave it nearby or threaten folks with it.

What's a Native American treatment Bag?

Medicine bags or pouches last a long time. They are made of leather and are highly durable. But there comes a time when the medicine bag just wears out. The neck cord has broken so often it may look like a string of knots. The leather has worn down and looks like it's been left out in the rain too long. What do you do with it at this sTAGe? You can take the contents of the bag out and put them into other bag or you can leave the contents in the bag. You take the bag to a remote location. Somewhere that people seldom go to. Then hang the medicine bag or pouch in a tree where it's barely visible.

The helping birds such as ravens, crows, eagles, or hawks and the "invisible beings" such as angels or guardians will disassemble the bag and remove all traces of it. Some people have been known to bury their bags. But this isn't recomMended. In the earth the bag will continue to exist and the extra medicine belonging to it could be dug up and innocently or not so innocently misused. There are stories of aged medicine pouches that were found, taken home or put in a museum and then all sorts of terrible things began to happen. Anyway, it is much great to let the angelic beings and our helper birds take care of something as high-priced as a medicine bag.

What's a Native American treatment Bag?

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson Click Here!

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